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(3) The FLUP recommends Retail use for all of this property and the existing <br />Commercial zoning on the site, and the proposed self — storage /mini warehouse uses <br />are compatible with the Commercial zoning district. <br />(4) The proposed SF -2 (One — Family Dwelling District) that presently exists on the <br />western portion of the subject property is less compatible with appropriate and <br />standard land use design and compatibility than the proposed use: the existing SF- <br />2, if developed, would have a single — family neighborhood bounded on three sides <br />(west, north, and east) by a Commercial (C) zoning district; the proposed zoning, <br />however, would logically extend the existing C zoning on the eastern portion of the <br />property until it connected with the existing C zone west and north of the subject <br />western portion of the property. This land use logic is reflected on the FLUP map <br />which extends the proposed Retail land use along this corridor as described. (These <br />illustrative land use comments can, of course, be visually observed on the Zoning <br />District and Future Land Use Maps for the subject property.) <br />(d) The Zoning Ordinance requires that a Specific Use Permit applicant shall submit a Site <br />Plan as part of the zoning approval process. In that regard, staff has reviewed the <br />Preliminary Site Plan as submitted and while the staff supports this rezoning request, we <br />also do so in conjunction with the following conditions; all of these conditions have been <br />discussed with Mr. Thiessen, the applicant, and he has agreed to each of them, and based <br />on staffs request, Mr. Thiessen will have these reflected on the Final Site Plan; currently <br />a Preliminary Site Plan has been submitted as part of this rezoning request. <br />(1) Illustrate a vegetative buffer, subject to staff approval, extending the entire length of <br />the southern boundary of the subject property, and provide this vegetative screen as <br />close as feasible to the contiguous SF -2 Zoning District that abuts the subject sites <br />southern boundary; this vegetative area shall buffer the entire length of said SF -2 <br />Zoning District boundary. <br />(2) Per the city engineer, the proposed six (6 ") water line that extends nearly the entire <br />length of the north property boundary is to be constructed, as feasible, as a loop <br />line; the establishment of loop is to be directed and approved by the city engineer. <br />(3) Per the fire marshal, locate the proposed fire hydrant as illustrated on the <br />Preliminary Site Plan near the north property line further west along this boundary, <br />as per the direction and approval of the fire marshal. <br />(4) Per the city engineer, the applicant submit the Final Site Plan to TXDOT for their <br />review and comment. <br />3 <br />