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Regular Council Meeting <br />May 23, 2016 <br />Page 4 <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Clifford and seconded by <br />Council Member Trenado. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />13. Approve a contract with HWH Construction in the amount of $638,644.80 for <br />construction of the West Paris Multi -Use Trail. <br />City Engineer Carla Easton explained this was for construction of a multi -use trail <br />connecting Bonham Street to the Boys and Girls Club. She said two bids were received and that <br />HWH submitted the lower bid. Ms. Easton also said that 74% of the construction funds were <br />provided by a FHWA grant through the Transportation Enhancement Program, and the <br />remaining costs were covered with local matching funds. Mayor Hashmi said it was good that a <br />majority of the funds was coming from a grant. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Mayor Hashmi and seconded by Council <br />Member Frierson. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />14. Discuss and appoint a City Council representative to serve on the Airport Development <br />Committee. <br />Mr. Godwin told the City Council an airport development advisory committee was being <br />created and that three representatives from the City would include one Council Member. He <br />asked Council for a volunteer to serve on this committee and Council Member Lancaster <br />volunteered her services. <br />It was a consensus of City Council that Council Member Lancaster serve on the Airport <br />Development Committee. <br />15. Discuss plan for cleaning up affected areas from recent floods (trash pickup, cleaning <br />growth, dirt, trash from drainage system) and possibly take action. Discuss possible <br />timeline for going forward with the released funds from the last council meeting of May <br />16, 2016, and possibly take action. <br />Council Member Drake said all districts were affected by the recent floods and that she <br />had seen city crews in her area on Thursday, but there was a lot of debris, trash and small articles <br />in the ditches. She said she was very concerned about the City and how they were going to go <br />about cleaning up of the ditches in a timely manner so that citizens' homes do not flood. Council <br />Member Drake said this needed to be a priority and they also needed a plan for picking up trash <br />by the curbs when citizens were cleaning up from the floods. She inquired if employees were <br />going to be doing all of the cleanup work, or if temps were going to be hired. She also <br />mentioned the use of community service workers. <br />Mr. Godwin reported that upon Council approving funds at the last meeting for drainage <br />work, that City staff pulled up the plan from last summer. Mr. Godwin said that the Southeast <br />