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Ir"'m [fill, 1 <br />Section 504 Policy Against Discrimination based on Handicap <br />and Grievance Procedures <br />In accordance with 24 CFR Section 8, Nondiscrimination based on Handicap in federally <br />assisted programs and activities of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, <br />Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794), and Section <br />109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended (42 U.S.C. <br />5309), the City of Paris hereby adopts the following policy and grievance procedures: <br />1. Discrimination prohibited. No otherwise qualified individual with handicaps in the <br />United States shall, solely by reason of his or her handicap, be excluded from the <br />participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any <br />program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance from the Department of <br />Housing and Urban Development (HUD). <br />2. The City of Paris does not discriminate on the basis of handicap in admission or <br />access to, or treatment or employment in, its federally assisted programs and activities. <br />3. The City of Paris' recruitment materials or publications shall include a statement <br />of this policy in 1. above. <br />4. The City of Paris shall take continuing steps to notify participants, beneficiaries, <br />applicants and employees, including those with impaired vision or hearing, and unions or <br />professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with <br />the recipients that it does not discriminate on the basis of handicap in violation of 24 <br />CFR Part 8. <br />5. For hearing and visually impaired individuals eligible to be served or likely to be <br />affected by the TxCDBG program, the City of Paris shall ensure that they are provided <br />with the information necessary to understand and participate in the TxCDBG program. <br />6. Grievances and Complaints <br />a. Any person who believes she or he has been subjected to discrimination on <br />the basis of disability may file a grievance under this procedure. It is against <br />the law for the City of Paris to retaliate against anyone who files a grievance <br />or cooperates in the investigation of a grievance. <br />b. Complaints should be addressed to: Civil Rights Officer, P.O. Box 9037, <br />Paris, Texas 75461 -9037, 903/784 -9234, who has been designated to <br />coordinate Section 504 compliance efforts. <br />c. A complaint should be filed in writing or verbally, contain the name and <br />address of the person filing it, and briefly describe the alleged violation of the <br />regulations. <br />10/15/2015 SA� , , f It <br />