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Regular Council Meeting <br />June 27, 2016 <br />Page 5 <br />Commission- Council Member Frierson; Library Advisory Board - Council Member Frierson; <br />Main Street Advisory Board- Council Member Drake; Planning & Zoning Commission- Council <br />Member Clifford; Traffic Commission - Council Member Jenkins; Zoning Board of Adjustment - <br />Mayor Hashmi; VC &C -Mayor Hashmi (required) and Council Member Drake; and Ark -Tex <br />Council of Governments -Mayor Hashmi (required) and Council Member Trenado. <br />17. Discuss and act on procuring a contractor to clean out all drainage ditches and channels <br />in the City. <br />Mayor Hashmi said this was his item. He said the city workers were working hard on <br />this and it was extremely slow because of the amount of work to be done. He also said this <br />project was pulling the workers off of the work they were suppose to be doing. Mayor Hashmi <br />expressed concern if they keep the current pace, it will never get finished. He also said that he <br />asked Mr. Godwin to put something together for Council to consider in order to possibly hire a <br />contractor and get the work finished all at one time. <br />Mr. Godwin reported that the City had two contract crews working on these projects and <br />the current contract was going to reach $50,000. He said in order to be legal; the City needed to <br />go out for bids and his best guess was this would cost approximately $600,000. He said he <br />hoped to be able to bring some good bids back to Council on July 11. Mayor Hashmi said they <br />needed more details of what was going to be included, such as a comprehensive list with a <br />timeframe and then he would be ok with bidding it out. Council Member Lancaster inquired if <br />Council could supply the City Manager with a list and Mr. Godwin answered in the affirmative. <br />Council Member Drake said she was glad they were doing this. <br />A Motion to develop a comprehensive list and bid this project was made by Mayor <br />Hashmi and seconded by Council Member Frierson. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />18. Receive presentation, discuss, and possibly act on operations plans and budget needs for <br />EMS, Police, Fire and Library Departments. <br />City Council heard from EMS Director Kent Klinkerman, who explained the need for a <br />new station on the north side of town. He gave a proposed timeline beginning with asking for <br />funds this year for the design, citing approximate cost to be $25,000 to $30,000. Council <br />Member Frierson said when he and Dr. Hashmi came on the Council five years ago they were <br />discussing the need for a new EMS station. Mr. Godwin said he intended to recommend in the <br />budget an architect for station design and would give them a 10 year CIP and then in the next <br />budget cycle propose building the station. Mayor Hashmi said he would like to see the entire <br />project done in this budget cycle, as did the entire Council. <br />Library Director Priscilla McAnally said that she was not asking for funds in the <br />upcoming budget. She explained that the library would be getting a new roof due to donations, <br />the funds already budgeted and the fact that the roofer was going to allow for a pay -out. Ms. <br />McAnally also explained that restoration of some of the artwork had been completed. <br />