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A. No one spoke in favor. <br />B. Five individuals spoke in opposition. <br />Cynthia Rhodes, 2760 Culbertson Street, spoke in opposition of the petition. Mrs. <br />Rhodes stated she was very concerned about the zoning changed. Mrs. Rhodes <br />further stated that she had a petition to submit to the planning and zoning <br />commission with fourteen signatures. <br />Holland Harper read the petition to the commission. <br />Charles Endsley, 2765 Hubbard Street, spoke in opposition of the petition. Mr. <br />Endsley stated that he lives next door to the property with the proposed zoning <br />change and is in opposition. Mr. Endsley further stated that he hopes the <br />commission would look at this case as if it was their next door neighbor. <br />Debra Usry, 2745 Hubbard Street, spoke in opposition of the petition. Mrs. Usry <br />stated that the neighborhood already has noisy issues and allowing this change in <br />zoning would create more noise. Mrs. Usry further stated she believe the change in <br />zoning will also decrease the tax values in the neighborhood. <br />Wayne Halcomb, 2765 Culbertson Street, spoke in opposition of the petition. Mr. <br />Halcomb stated he is against the zoning change and that this neighborhood does not <br />need a strip mall. <br />Wayne Little, 2740 Culbertson Street, spoke in opposition of the petition. Mr. Little <br />stated that he is against the zoning change. <br />Public hearing was declared closed. <br />Motion was made by Holland Harper, seconded by Barney Bray to deny the petition. <br />Motion carried 7 -0. <br />S. Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition of Brookshire Grocery <br />Company for a change in zoning from General Retail District (GR) to a General Retail <br />District (GR) with a Specific Use Permit (49 Auto Fuel Sales), on Lots 1 through 19, City <br />Block 104, being located at 925 Clarksville Street. <br />Robert Spain asked about installing speed bump on the new access point for the fuel <br />station. Shane Grissom stated that he believed that the curve in the drive will slow traffic <br />down. <br />Public hearing was declared open. <br />