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Minutes <br />Traffic Commission <br />City of Paris <br />The Traffic Commission met on Tuesday August 02, 2016 at 5:15 P.M. in the <br />Municipal Courtroom with the following members present: <br />1. <br />Susan Hamby <br />2. <br />Bill Sanders <br />3. <br />John Eyler <br />4. <br />Jason Warwick <br />5. <br />David Ballard <br />6. <br />Wendell Moore <br />The city staff was represented by Asst. Chief Randy Tuttle. <br />Member Susan Hamby called the meeting to order at 5:15pm. A quorum was <br />established with six members present, <br />Ms. Hamby moved to item #2 to approve minutes from July 05, 2016 meeting. <br />Mr. Eyler made a motion to approve the minutes and Mr. Ballard second the <br />motion which passed 6 -0 <br />Ms. Hamby moved to item #3 regarding the discussion and possible action <br />concerning placement of No Parking Zone on east side of S. Church Street. Mr. <br />Tuttle informed residents that a resident had requested this item be considered <br />due to concerns vehicles parked on the street create a traffic hazard. Mr. Tuttle <br />informed members that a No Parking zone currently exists on the west side of S. <br />Church and a review of traffic accidents within the previous three years revealed <br />there were no accidents involving parked cars at the location in question. Ms. <br />Hamby then asked for comments from residents in attendance. Two residents <br />spoke in opposition of the No Parking Zone. Information was also presented that <br />eight other residents opposed this also. One resident spoke in favor of the No <br />Parking Zone. After public input was received Mr. Sanders made a motion to <br />table this item for further review by members. The motion was second by Mr. <br />Warwick and it passed 6 -0. <br />Ms. Hamby then moved to item #4 regarding old business. Mr. Ballard asked <br />about the TXDOT projects on Loop 286 and was advised by Mr. Tuttle both <br />projects were awaiting funding. <br />Ms. Hamby then moved to item #5 regarding future agenda items. Mr. Eyler <br />stated he had received a citizen request asking a warning sign be posted on 20`x' <br />NE near the church at 185 201h NE due to children playing. Mr. Tuttle advised this <br />