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"E. Illicit discharges into the municipal storm drainage system; <br />"F. Unauthorized interference with, damage to, or polluting of designated <br />habitat areas, publicly owned restoration sites, streams, creeks, lakes, <br />wetlands, or tributaries and similar areas thereto; <br />"G. Conditions or acts which obstruct the free use of property so as to <br />interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life and property; <br />"H. Conditions or acts which lead to blight and contribute to the deterioration <br />of the neighborhood or adjoining property; <br />"I. The improper parking or storage of vehicles on any residential lots which <br />impedes the use of yard areas for light, air circulation, recreation, and <br />landscaping; and <br />"J. A violation of any City of Paris ordinance. <br />"PREMISES. Any building, lot, parcel, alley, real estate or land or portion of <br />land whether improved or unimproved, including adjacent sidewalks, <br />parking strips and street. <br />"PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY OR RIGHT -OF -WAY. "Right -of -way" means all <br />real property owned or held by the city in fee, or by way of easement, or <br />dedicated to the public and located within the city, and used or intended for <br />use as a street, alley, sidewalk, park, trail, public way or easement for public <br />or private utilities, whether developed or undeveloped. <br />"SCREENING /SCREENED. A permitted continuous solid fence, landscape <br />planting of sufficient density that is not affected by seasonal change, a <br />continuous wall, chain -link fence combined with commercially designed and <br />manufactured fence slats rated at 90% plus sight obscuring or chain -link <br />fence combined with commercially designed and manufactured <br />privacy /windscreen material rated at 90% plus sight obscuring or <br />combination thereof that is at least 6 -feet in height that would effectively <br />screen a property from public view in which it encloses. Any dead or dying <br />portion of the hedge shall be replaced. Fencing and screening materials must <br />be maintained in good repair or replaced if worn or damaged. All gates <br />leading into the enclosed area must also effectively screen the property and <br />be kept closed. Where inoperable vehicle(s) within a screened area are <br />visible from a neighboring structure, a car cover as defined herein, or a <br />permitted temporary structure, must be used to further screen the vehicle. A <br />covering /barrier such as a tarp or similar material is not permitted <br />screening. <br />"TRASH AND WASTE. Trash and waste means, but is not limited to ashes; <br />leaves; branches and trimmings from trees, shrubs and hedges; discarded <br />