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Regular Council Meeting <br />August 22, 2016 <br />Page 5 <br />Mayor Hashmi asked Chief Hundley to address concerns they heard during the public <br />forum. Chief Hundley said the reason cameras would be helpful was that some people do not <br />come forward when they see a crime, either because they do not care or fear retribution. He said <br />cameras would be placed in public areas and it may give the police leads should a crime occur. <br />Chief Hundley referenced a recent burglary in a downtown business and stated the surveillance <br />camera helped the police department solve the crime. Chief Hundley also said that no one has a <br />right of privacy in a public place. Council Member Lancaster said it was her understanding that <br />there were several downtown business owners who expressed a willingness to contribute to the <br />costs of cameras. Council Member Drake said the City should talk to those individuals in an <br />effort to help toward the costs. Chief Hundley said he would do so. <br />It was a consensus of the City Council that the businesses be contacted about <br />contributions toward the cameras and that staff go out for bids. <br />19. Discuss and provide direction to staff regarding renovation of existing buildings. <br />Mayor Hashmi said he requested this item and that neither he nor family members owned <br />downtown property. He said he recently faced issues and learned some very good information. <br />Mayor Hashmi also said as they look toward improvement of the appearance of the City, one <br />area that quickly pops out is the downtown area and old dilapidated buildings that are <br />uninhabited. In summary, Mayor Hashmi spoke about the location of the City, population <br />growth compared to the City of McKinney and that to rehabilitate a downtown building would <br />cost the owner more than the value of the property. He suggested they form a committee <br />comprised of city staff members, downtown owners and the fire chief, and ask them to bring <br />back new suggestions that would help with growth and renovation of downtown properties. <br />Mayor Hashmi also suggested a check list for those who wanted to renovate a building making it <br />easier to understand what was required of them. <br />Fire Chief Larry Wright agreed with Mayor Hashmi about a check list. He told the <br />Council he recently made a presentation to HPC regarding myths, such as the requirement of <br />sprinklers in downtown building. Chief Wright explained that many downtown buildings were <br />not large enough to require a sprinkler system, because the building had to be over 5,000 feet. <br />He said an exception was if a commercial building was being used as a residence. He also said <br />the cost of a sprinkler system for a commercial building was about $1.50 per square foot. Chief <br />Wright further explained that a building could not house warehouse storage but could contain <br />store inventory being used in the business. He also explained when a certificate of occupancy is <br />needed. <br />Mayor Hashmi told Chief Wright it seemed that he had addressed most of the issues and <br />maybe a committee was not needed. Chief Wright said they could follow the codes and still work <br />with people because of the clause about authority having jurisdiction, which gave him authority <br />to waiver from the center line. Mayor Hashmi said he thought a check list was needed. Chief <br />Wright said he would get with the city engineer and building official to combine everything into <br />one check list. <br />