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If your organization is individually owned, answer the following: <br />Date of organization: March 3, 2003 <br />Name of owner: Bobby Smallwood <br />EXPERIENCE <br />List the categories of work that your organization normally performs with its own forces. <br />Framing — Drywall — Ceilings - Finish <br />Claims and Suits <br />Has your organization ever failed to complete any work awarded to it? No <br />Are there any judgments, claims, arbitration proceedings or suits pending or outstanding against your <br />organization or its officers? No <br />Has your organization filed any law suits or requested arbitration with regard to construction contracts <br />within the last five years? No <br />Within the last five years, has any officer or principal of your organization ever been an officer or principal of <br />another organization when it failed to complete a construction contract? No <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Bobby Smallwood <br />Attachments: Experience, Project References last 5 years, and Reference contact information sheet <br />Job Photos <br />