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PEDC Board Meeting Minutes <br />October 18, 2016 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />Mr. Paris said Mr. Brockman and Mr. Hughes accompanied him to the October 10, 2016, City Council <br />meeting for a discussion with the City Council about constructing the Spec Building. Mr. Paris said he <br />told that City Council that "Our mission as an Economic Development Corporation is to create jobs <br />with whatever assets are available." We presented them with the bid, the contingency and the bid bond <br />for a total of $774,260. Two conditions were added to the memo: the Spec Building could not be <br />leased without City Council approval; the Spec Building could not be sold without City Council <br />approval. A long discussion took place with the Council and good questions were asked. Today Mr. <br />Paris was told by City Staff that they will not put this memo on the Council agenda for October 24, <br />2016, or any time because the perception is it would create a fight between Council members. We were <br />told that the Council does not want to listen to anything about the Spec Building and certainly does not <br />want to take a vote. Mr. Paris stated that we do not have an inventory of existing space to bring <br />prospects to Paris. The Spec Building is a low risk venture that we will not lose money on. We offer <br />many incentives, but our lack of inventory is holding us back. There were companies that went bad in <br />the past, but the outcome with the businesses that came into those buildings has been outstanding. Mr. <br />Brockman asked if Mr. Trenado, our City Council Liaison, would tell us what the Council is thinking <br />by not wanting us to be on the agenda. Mr. Trenado told us that Mr. Paris is presenting the Spec <br />Building very well and the problem with the Council not wanting to discuss or vote on it could be <br />personal. Mr. Brockman asked Mr. Trenado if he would consider putting the Spec Building on the <br />agenda and he answered that he would put it on the agenda. The Board is in agreement that they are <br />looking for a "Yes or No" vote from the Council to determine the direction the PEDC will go with the <br />Spec Building. Mr. Paris stated that we would work with Mr. Trenado to put the Spec Building on the <br />City Council agenda. <br />Executive Director's Monthly Report. <br />• Our marketing efforts will be highlighting the parcels of land at the NW Business Park. <br />We will be using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn in our marketing plan. <br />Constant Contact will send out email blasts that we create to email lists that we are <br />collecting. The goal is to start with bi- weekly blasts and move up to weekly blasts. The <br />marketing will focus on the land and buildings we have, it will highlight features that <br />make Paris a unique place and it will talk about the PEDC. <br />• Two travel opportunities have been cancelled IEDC meeting and IAMC meeting because <br />of the work taking place at the office. Mr. Paris will attend the TEDC meeting is this <br />week in Austin. There are two more marketing trips that he will be going to before the <br />end of the year: the National Business Aviation Association and FabTech. <br />• A new sign for the front of the building is on order with the sign company. This is <br />replacing the framed bulletin board which is becoming an eyesore. The new sign is <br />simple with our name, address, and website. <br />