<br />be, and the same is hereby, established on LOT 9, CITY BLOCK 307-B, on property belonging to
<br />GENE AND LffiBY HERTZOG, so as to include in such AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT (A) WITH
<br />SPECIFIC USE PERMIT - DAY CARE CENTER (25) the hereinafter described property, which
<br />was formerly and is presently designated as an AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT (A), and that the
<br />CARE CENTER (25), be, and the same are hereby, established as follows:
<br />
<br />SITUATED within the corporate limits of the City of Paris, County of Lamar,
<br />and State of Texas, being a part ofthe Thomas Askins Survey #6, being Lot 9, City
<br />Block 307-B, and being a called 22,767 acre tract of land conveyed Billy Melton by
<br />deed recorded in Volume 348, Page 154, of the Real Property Records of said County
<br />and State, and being more particularly described as follows:
<br />BEGINNING at an iron pin (frs) for comer at the easterly northeast comer of
<br />said 22.767 acre tract, said point being the southeast comer of a called 0,50 acre tract
<br />of land conveyed Lamar County Water Supply Corporation;
<br />THENCE South 6 Deg, 15 Min, 05 Sec, West along the west boundary line
<br />ofthe Kiamichi Railroad a distance of 2352,99 feet to an iron pin (s) for comer atthe
<br />southeast comer of said 22,767 acre tract;
<br />THENCE North 88 Deg, 40 Min, 07 Sec, West along a fence a distance of
<br />271.9 feet to an iron pin (s) for comer at the southwest comer of said 22,767 acre
<br />tract;
<br />THENCE North 0 Deg, 30 Min, 57 Sec. West a distance of 2555.52 feet to
<br />an iron pin (s) for comer at the northwest comer of said 22.767 acre tract;
<br />THENCE South 89 Deg, 18 Min, 11 Sec, East along the south boundary line
<br />of Lamar County Road #32900 a distance of 175 feet to an iron pin (s) for comer at
<br />the northerly northeast comer of said 22.767 acre tract, said point being the northwest
<br />comer of a called 1.0135 acre tract of land conveyed to the Lamar County Water
<br />Supply Corporation;
<br />THENCE South 0 Deg, 22 Min. 34 Sec, East (chain link fence not on line)
<br />a distance of 223,14 feet to an iron pin (s) for comer at an el comer of said 22,767
<br />acre tract and the southwest comer of said 1.0135 acre tract;
<br />THENCE along the southerly north boundary line of said 22.767 acre tract
<br />as follows: North 89 Deg. 37 Min, 26 Sec, East (chain link fence not on line) a
<br />distance of 200 feet to a chain link fence comer post (I) at the southeast comer of said
<br />1.0135 acre tract and the southwest comer of said 0.50 acre tract; North 89 Deg, 36
<br />Min, East partially along a chain link fence a distance of 174,61 feet to the place of
<br />beginning and containing 22,896 acres of land, and being located in the 400 block of
<br />County Road 32900.
<br />
<br />Section 3. That the Chief Building Official ofthe City of Paris be, and he is hereby, directed
<br />to change the Zoning Map of the City of Paris in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No,
<br />1710 and the land use map accompanying the same, and in accordance with the provisions of this
<br />ordinance,
<br />