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101 <br />THE CITY OF PARIS <br />CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN <br />TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM <br />Note to Grant Recipients regarding Limited English Pro eiency a") requirements: <br />In accordance with federal law, if there is a significant number of the population who arc non - English speaking <br />residents and are affected by the TxCDBG project, such citizens should have `meaningful access' to all aspects <br />of the TxCDBG project. To provide `meaningful access', Grant Recipients may need to provide interprew <br />services at public hearings or provide non - English written materials that are routinely provided in English. <br />Examples of such vital documents include appHeat ion, complaint procedures, complaint procedures, answers to <br />complaints, notices, notices of rights and disciplinary action, and any additional documents that contain <br />information that is critical for obtaining federal services and/or benefits, or is required by law. For more <br />information, we <br />COMPLAINT PROCEDURES <br />These complaint procedures comply with the requirements of the Texas Department of Agriculture's Texas <br />Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG) Program and Local Government Requirements found in 24 <br />CFR §570.486 (Code of Federal Regulations). Citizens can obtain a copy of these procedures at the City of <br />Paris, P.O. Box 9037, Paris, Texas 75461- 9037, 903/784 -9202, during regular business houvrs. <br />Below are the formal complaint and grievance procedures regarding the services provided under the TxCDBG <br />project. <br />I . A person who has a complaint or grievance about any services or activities with respect to the TxCDBG <br />project, whether it is a proposed, ongoing, or completed TxCDBG project, may during regular business <br />hours submit such complaint or grievance, in writing to the Civil Rights Officer at P.O. Box 9037, Paris, <br />Texas 75461- 9037or may call 903!7849202. <br />2. A copy of the complaint or grievance shall be transmitted by the Civil Rights Officer to the entity that is <br />the subject of the complaint or grievance and to the City Attorney within five (5) working days after the <br />date of the complaint or grievance was received. <br />3. The Civil Rights Officer shall complete an investigation of the complaint or grievance, if practicable, <br />and provide a timely written answer to person who made the complaint or grievance within ten (10) <br />days. <br />4. If the investigation cannot be completed within ten (10) working days per 3 above, the person wbo made <br />the grievance or complaint shall be notified, in writing, within fifteen (15) days where practicable after <br />receipt of the original complaint or grievance and shall detail when the investigation should be <br />completed. <br />5. If necessary, the grievance and a written copy of the subsequent investigation shall be forwarded to the <br />TxCDBG for their farther review and comment. <br />10/01/2095 ��CL , �,� '• ��, <br />