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20. Discussion on theft problem and sale of stolen property within the City of Paris. <br />21. Discussion and possible action on the City of Paris' requirement of natural gas service <br />inspections and acceptance of inspections by Atmos Energy after 90 days of no service. <br />22. Receive status update on the installation of security cameras in the Downtown area from <br />the Police Chief. <br />23. Discuss construction of an airport hangar and provide direction to staff. <br />24. Discuss and act on an Ordinance granting a taxicab license to David L. Thompson d/b /a <br />Lone Star Cab Company. <br />25. Discuss and act on an Ordinance granting a taxicab license to Transportation Providers, <br />LLC d/b /a City Cab. <br />26. Discuss and act on an Ordinance granting a taxicab license to Raney Day Enterprises, <br />Inc. d/b /a Yellow Cab. <br />27. Discuss and act on an Ordinance of the City of Paris, Texas, Amending Article V to <br />Chapter 21 of the code of Ordinances of the City of Paris, Texas; Providing for <br />Prohibiting Loud and Raucous Noises which are Deemed Offensive to Persons of <br />Ordinary Sensibilities; providing for a penalty not to exceed $500.00; repealing all <br />Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith; providing a severability clause; <br />and providing for an effective date. <br />28. Discuss development practices and procedures. <br />29. Discuss and act on naming of the street located at North Main and Campbell Soup <br />entrance. <br />30. Discuss and act on a Resolution Approving the Private Re -Sale of Multiple Tracts of Tax <br />Foreclosed Properties, and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Deeds. <br />31. Convene into Executive Session pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Texas Government <br />Code, Consultation with Attorney, to receive legal advice from the City Attorney about <br />pending or contemplated litigation and/or on matters in which the duty of an attorney to <br />his client under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of <br />Texas, clearly conflict with this chapter, as follows: First National Bank Building, 104 <br />Bonham Street. <br />32. Reconvene into Open Session and possibly take action on those matters discussed in <br />Executive Session. <br />33. Consider and approve future events for City Council and /or City Staff pursuant to <br />Resolution No. 2004 -081. <br />34. Adjournment. <br />