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<br />TWO-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT (2F) WITH SPECIFIC USE PERMIT (24) <br />INSTITUTIONS OF RELIGIOUS NATURE be, and the same is hereby, established on LOT 1, <br />CITY BLOCK 32, on property belonging to DENNIS R. NELMS, so as to include in such TWO- <br />F AMIL Y DWELLING DISTRICT (2F) WITH SPECIFIC USE PERMIT (24) INSTITUTIONS <br />OF RELIGIOUS NATURE the hereinafter described property, which was formerly and is <br />presently designated as a TWO-F AMIL Y DWELLING DISTRICT (2F), and that the boundaries <br />of said TWO-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT (2F) WITH SPECIFIC USE PERMIT (24) <br />INSTITUTIONS OF RELIGIOUS NATURE, be, and the same are hereby, established as follows: <br /> <br />SITUATED within the corporate limits of the City of Paris, County of <br />Lamar, and State of Texas, being a part of the Larkin Rattan Survey, and being <br />Lot 1, City Block 32, and a part of an 8 3/4 acre tract conveyed M. A. Mayers and <br />M. Mayers to E. S. Connor and J. B. McDade on May 23, 1890, by deed recorded <br />in Volume 65, Page 285 of the Lamar County Deed Records, and being more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the northwest corner of a lot conveyed to E. S. Connor by <br />Zue C. Gibbons and husband, J. R. Gibbons, on March 25, 1922, by deed <br />recorded in Volume 197, Page 85 of the Lamar County Deed Records, a stake on <br />the south boundary line of Pine Bluff Street; <br />THENCE south with the west boundary line of said above-mentioned lot <br />a distance of 180 feet more or less, the southwest corner of same, and also being <br />the north boundary line of a lot conveyed to Leonard Page by Jane C. Wood and <br />husband on September 14, 1944; <br />THENCE west with the north boundary line of said Pate lot a distance of <br />95 '/2 feet, a stake, same being the northwest corner of said Pate lot and also being <br />a point in the east boundary line of 12th Street N.E., formerly North 30th Street; <br />THENCE north with said street a distance of 180 feet, more or less, a stake <br />in the east boundary line of 12th Street N.E. and the south boundary line of Pine <br />Bluff Street; <br />THENCE east with the south boundary line of Pine Bluff Street a distance <br />of 95'h feet to the place of beginning, being number 1202 Pine Bluff Street. <br /> <br />Section 3. That the aforesaid zoning change designation of TWO FAMILY <br />DWELLING DISTRICT (2F) WITH SPECIFIC USE PERMIT (24), INSTITUTIONS OF A <br />RELIGIOUS NATURE, shall be and is hereby made subject to and conditioned upon the <br />requirement that no more than fifteen (15) individuals may reside on the premises of the property <br />described in Section 2 of this ordinance, and that no more than five (5) vehicles may be parked <br />at anyone time on the driveway or adjacent to the property as described in Section 2 of this <br />ordinance. <br /> <br />Section 4. That the Chief Building Official of the City of Paris be, and he is hereby, <br />directed to change the Zoning Map of the City of Paris in accordance with the provisions of <br />Ordinance No. 1710 and the land use map accompanying the same, and in accordance with the <br />provisions of this ordinance. <br />