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Robert Talley stated that the roof is peeling, unsecure, deteriorating, the inside is <br />leaking and has water damage and there are holes in the floor. <br />Robert Talley's recommendation: 30 days to demolish if not the City has the <br />right to demolish and apply a $1000 per day civil penalty. <br />Motion was made by Wendell Moore, seconded by Johnny Norris to follow <br />Robert Talley's recommendation for the property owner to demolish the <br />property in 30 days, if not the City has the right to demolish and apply a <br />$1000 per day civil penalty to the property. Motion carried unanimously. 4 -0 <br />G. 405 NW 5th, City Block 53, Lot 12 <br />Owner: Jimmy Furtch, 626 NW 5th Paris, TX 75460 <br />No contact has been made with owner. $3227.04 back taxes owed. <br />Robert Talley showed pictures of the property where it's unsecure, deteriorating, <br />holes in roof, no windows and some of the siding and wood are missing. <br />Robert Talley's recommendation: 30 days to demolish if not the City has the <br />right to demolish and apply a $1000 per day civil penalty. <br />Motion was made by Johnny Norris, seconded by Wendell Moore to follow <br />Robert Talley's recommendation for the property owner to demolish the <br />property in 30 days, if not the City has the right to demolish and apply a <br />$1000 per day civil penalty to the property. Motion carried unanimously. 4 -0 <br />4. Code Enforcement update. <br />(1) Don Wilson asked about Mrs. Camsters house. Robert Talley stated that <br />the work is being done. <br />(2) Don Wilson asked about Kevin Kears house on 7th and Graham. Robert <br />Talley stated that the house has sold and he is giving the new owner time to get a <br />plan together. <br />(3) Robert Talley went over a spreadsheet and PowerPoint that he prepared <br />for the committee of demolitions and cost. An average demolition's cost at this <br />time is $2731.83. <br />(4) Don Wilson asked at what point does the City take over a property if the <br />owner doesn't or stops paying for his demolition. Robert Talley explained that <br />even though the property owner signs an agreement to pay for the demolition <br />code enforcement still files a lien against the property. <br />(5) Updates on the property at Fitzhugh that Mike Malone owned was talked <br />about, and that it has been sold to someone else. A work order has been given to <br />demolition crew so when they are back in East Paris the property at 424 Fitzhugh <br />will be demolished unless the owner does it first. <br />(6) Update on Cherry St. Manor — Jamie Jetton has purchased it and the front <br />