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MINUTES <br />SPECIAL MEETING <br />CITY OF PARIS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />MONDAY AUGUST 26, 2013 <br />4:00 O'CLOCK P.M. <br />The meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order at 4:15 p.m. by Chair Ben <br />Vaughan. <br />A. The following commissioners were present: Chair Ben Vaughan, Nancy Anderson, David <br />Stewart and Beatrice Ardila <br />B. Lauri Redus, Douglas Cox, and Vice Chair Carolyn Hicks were absent. <br />C. Also present: Joey Sleeper, Historic Preservation Officer; Steve and Laura Lee Harper, and <br />Carl Harcrow. Others were present in the audience <br />2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting. (August 14, 2013) <br />Chair Vaughan called for correction of 2 typographical errors. Motion was made by <br />Commissioner Anderson and seconded by Commissioner Stewart to approve the minutes as <br />corrected. The motion carried 4 -0. <br />3. Consideration of and action on the following Certificates of Appropriateness: <br />a. Fagade renovation, Antique Mall @ 2 West Plaza, Scott McDowell <br />Chair Vaughan introduced the item and called the applicant, Scott McDowell. Mr. Sleeper <br />explained that applicant said he was unable attend. Chair Vaughan explained that the commission <br />had tabled this item at a previous meeting pending the actual dimensions of the existing window <br />openings. He further explained that he had contacted the applicant's contractor to discuss the <br />opening dimensions, and that the contractor explained that the windows would be custom -made to <br />fit the existing openings. The commission then discussed whether the window pattern of 6- over -6 <br />or 6- over -I were appropriate, deciding either would be appropriate with the stipulation that all <br />windows were of the same pattern. Mr. Sleeper then explained that the applicant had requested to <br />extend the application to include the replacement of 4 additional windows on the east facade. <br />Chair Vaughan stipulated that the contractor's quote and the building permit should include the <br />replacement of 17 on the north & east facades. With no further discussion, a motion to approve the <br />item as stipulated was made by Chair Vaughan and seconded by Commissioner Anderson. The <br />motion carried 4 -0. <br />b. Sign & awning, Le Salon a Paris, 134 N. Main St, Laura Lee Harper <br />Chair Vaughan introduced the item and called the applicant, Laura Lee Harper and property <br />owner Carl Harcrow. Mrs. Harper explained they are remodeling the interior of the building, <br />replacing deteriorated exterior wood and broken marble tile, re painting, and installing an <br />awning and sign. Chair Vaughan asked the applicant how the tile would be attached to the existing <br />brick under the northern window, which Mr. Harcrow explained that the brick was not original to <br />