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of his building. He proposed removing the plywood on either side of the building and <br />replacing the former door openings with dryvit to simulate the brick fagade on the <br />whole building. He also proposed restoring the top right and left windows to original <br />design, and using a decorative wrought iron. The opening above the current entrance <br />will remain the same, however the wording American State Bank will be uncovered <br />and painted the color of the building, while the calendar years will be painted black. <br />Repainting the entire building an antique white, and hand painting the eagle into a <br />more realistic rendition. <br />Motion was made by Britin Bostick to approve the COA with the following revisions: before <br />replacing the wrought iron or painting the eagle, a drawing of wrought iron window covering to <br />simulate the original design, and a color scheme of the eagle with colors chosen from the <br />historical color palate located in the City's Historic Preservation Office be brought back to the <br />Commission in the form of a COA. Seconded by Ben Vaughn, Motion carried 6 -0 <br />C. Bill Loranger, Parks Superintendent proposed the current polished granite tiles be <br />removed; stating the slick surface is not safe, and some injuries have been reported. <br />He noted that contractor, Scott Walker, from Bryco who restored Peristyle, will be <br />doing proposed work. The project will use 3/4 inch thick colored polymer cement with <br />stamped tile pattern and adding expansion joints under the surface to prevent further <br />damage. Bill stated the surface would be trawled, semi polished, not irreversible in <br />the future. <br />Motion to approve the COA was made by Ben Vaughn, seconded by Nancy Anderson, Motion <br />carried 6 -0 <br />4. Consideration on and action on the following Fagade Grant: <br />Cheri Bedford stated that Colton Wicks was requesting $2500.00 for the current <br />restoration of the facade of 15 E. Plaza. His COA was approved in the current meeting. <br />His proposed work estimates total $12,000, and will meet the criteria established by the <br />Commission. <br />Motion was made by Ben Vaughn to approve the fagade grant for 15 E. Plaza in the amount of <br />$2500, seconded by Britin Bostick, Motion carried 6 -0 <br />5. Future agenda items: clarification of sign ordinance and design standards as they relate to <br />the Historic District, and discuss the use of stucco in the Historic District. <br />6. Motion to adjourn made by Douglas Cox, and seconded by David Stewart, Motion <br />carried 6 -0 <br />Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS 13t' DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2013. <br />