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Vice Chairman Vaughan introduced the item. Commissioner Nancy Anderson <br />asked if the structures in items 5A and 5B were repairable, and Robert Talley, Code <br />Enforcement Supervisor, stated that they were and that property owners had been <br />contacted. Motion was made by Britin Bostick and seconded by Lauri Redus to <br />recommend repair or demolition of the structures, as listed, to the Building and <br />Standards Commission. The motion carried 5-0. <br />6. Update on code enforcement activity: Robert Talley, Code Enforcement Supervisor <br />Mr. Talley answered questions by Commissioners about the status of several <br />properties that were previously reviewed by the Commission for code enforcement <br />violations. <br />7. Future Agenda Item <br />Vice Chairman Vaughan introduced the item and called for a future agenda item to <br />elect officers of the Commission. Joey Sleeper, Historic Preservation Officer, noted <br />that a new member had been appointed by City Council and would attend future <br />meetings. Mr. Sleeper then informed the Commission of the status of revisions to <br />the city's sign ordinance and suggested the Commission review and make <br />recommendation for signs in the historic districts. <br />8. Adjournment <br />With no other matters to discuss, a motion to adjourn was made by Lauri Redus and <br />seconded by Nancy Anderson. The motion carried 5-0. <br />Meeting adjourned at 12:27 p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS 24" DAY OF JULY, 2013. <br />Ben Vaughan, Vice Ch irman <br />