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PEDC Board Meeting Minutes <br />March 5, 2013 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />Toni Clem had attend the week prior. There are numerous Bills being proposed that are related to Economic <br />Development and Manufacturing this Legislative Session. Steve referenced a letter bragging on the services <br />provided at the R3bi and Hank Betke. In addition, a letter of responses from Mark Alexander, President of <br />Campbell Soup Company, North America welcoming a visit to the headquarters located in Camden, New <br />Jersey. Steve added that more updates will be given on project in Executive Session. <br />Election of officers for remainder of 2012 -13. After some discussion. The Board agreed to have the <br />existing officers move from Vice - Chairman to Chairman and Secretary /Treasurer to Vice - Chairman then <br />fill the Secretary /Treasurer position with one of the two Board members remaining. <br />Vice - Chairman, Kenny Dority opened the floor for nominations of Chairman. Toni Clem made the motion <br />that Kenny Dority serve as Chairman; seconded by Bruce Carr. Motion Carried 4 -0. <br />Bruce Carr made the motion that Toni Clem serve as Vice - Chairman; seconded by Bill Harris. Motion <br />Carried 4 -0. <br />Bill Harris made the motion that Bruce Carr serve as Secretary /Treasurer; seconded by Toni Clem. Motion <br />Carried 4 -0. <br />Discussion of Draft Audit Report for Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 by Tom Hensel, Auditor with <br />McClanahan & Holmes, CPAs. It was acknowledged that Mr. Hensel was asked to attend the meeting to <br />answer a question regarding the draft audit report from Bruce Carr. Bruce Carr referenced Page 2, <br />"Management has not presented Management's Discussion and Analysis that governmental accounting <br />principles generally accepted in the United States of America require to be presented to supplement the <br />basic financial statements. Such mission information, although not a part of the basic financial statements, <br />is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, who considers it to be an essential part of <br />financial reporting for placing the basic financial statements in an appropriate operational, economic, or <br />historical context. Our opinion on the basic financial statements is not affected by this missing <br />information." Mr. Hensel stated that this report is referred to as the MDA (Management's Discussion & <br />Analysis). It is not a mandatory requirement that management submits one, but if a report is not received, <br />then the auditor's responsibility is to reference it as "missing ". This report is a generalization of the fiscal <br />year's financial reports. Steve Gilbert told those present that he had no problem submitting an MDA, but <br />would like to have the auditor provide what items are required to be included. No action was taken on this <br />item. <br />Presentation by John Godwin, City Manager, pertaining to the Economic Development portion of the <br />City's Strategic Plan. John Godwin provided the excerpt of the City's Strategic Plan, pages 27 and 28 <br />(attached) for the Board to review. Discussion took place on future retail opportunities, airport <br />development, etc. It was agreed that those present would review the "draft" and make proposed changes, <br />etc. and re -group with John in the near future. John did report that a part-time planner has been put on staff <br />and was looking at Planned Development zoning for Lake Crook and the Cox Airport. It was suggested that <br />the Paris EDC Board meet jointly with the Airport Advisory Board at least twice a year. No action was <br />taken on this item. <br />