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Paris and Lamar County <br />Community -Wide Strategic Plan <br />STRATEGY 7 <br />Cultivate cooperation ad coordination between and among governing bodies (City, County, School Districts, <br />Water Districts, etc.) and civic organizations. <br />PRESENT STATUS <br />Silos, lack of clear vision and goals for city, county, schools, etc. Everybody is doing their own thing with little <br />or no communication. Cross purposes, mistrust, rumors, ill will, overlap, duplication, inefficiency and waste. <br />Lack of progress or growth, and decreasing services with rising costs and declining quality of service and <br />inability to respond to customer needs, requirements and expectations. <br />PREFERRED FUTURE STATE <br />Shared priorities and goals for the community and region. <br />ACTION STEPS <br />Improve communication and collaboration between and among City, County, water boards, school districts, <br />other key community leaders and stakeholders. <br />1. Establish quarterly meetings <br />2. Invite key leaders for local "State of the Union" <br />3. Build cooperation and shared future goals <br />4. PEDC to lead efforts to convene government agencies and water boards <br />5. PJC to take lead role in the cooperative initiative <br />6. Establish quarterly meeting with all school district business managers <br />7. Identify opportunities to collaborate on cooperative purchasing power <br />OWNERS & STAKEHOLDERS <br />City, County, key community leaders and stakeholders, all cities in county, water boards. <br />PROGRESS MEASURES <br />1. Short-term success is if actual leaders come to meetings. <br />2. Future success is common goals shared among multiple organizations. <br />3. School business managers to attend coordinating meetings. <br />4. Write memorandum of understanding among school districts. <br />5. Write one RFP utilizing two school districts to accomplish needed task. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Steve Gilbert <br />Paris Economic Development Corporation <br />First Draft for Discussion Only 8 of 8 January 2011 <br />