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Paris and Lamar County <br />Community -Wide Strategic Plan. <br />STRATEGY 5 <br />Advocate for, and develop aggressive plans to improve the transportation system, including priorities of four - <br />lanes for Highway 24 to Commerce, which will provide complete four lane access to Interstate 30 and other <br />improvements (such as the airport) as they are identified. <br />PRESENTSTATUS <br />There is a 10 mile section of Highway 24 that is the only remaining 2 lane section from Mexico to Canada. This <br />two lane section adds cost when transporting products from Paris, and is a competitive disadvantage. <br />PREFERRED FUTURE STATE <br />A four lane highway corridor from Paris to Interstate -30. <br />ACTION STEPS <br />1. Complete Multi -Modal Economic impact Study. Study to include (multi - modal, Highway 24, Airport, Rail) <br />with priority to support 4 lane construction as an economic development priority, not only for Paris and <br />Lamar County, but for the DFW Metroplex and the TEX -21 Coalition. The analysis should include <br />Highway 24 as a costal evacuation route, and the impact as a key military route to and from Camp Maxey. <br />2. Identify Federal Programs to find funding, for example, Homeland Security. <br />3. Implement Cox Field airfield improvements to support commercial flights. Note: recently completed 20 <br />year master plan should be full implemented. <br />4. Establish partnership with short line operator, Kiamicbi, and Class 1 carriers to increase rail service in Paris <br />and Lamar County. <br />5. Form Legislative Alliance. <br />6. Form Industrial Lobby. <br />7. Form cooperative relationship with Delta County. <br />8. Pursue major truck stop in Paris. <br />OWNERS & STAKEHOLDERS <br />Involve political and civic leadership: State Rep. Cain, State Senator Eltife, U.S. Congressman Ralph Hall, <br />Delta County leaders, Don Wall, PEDC, Chamber of Commerce, local business and industry, etc. <br />PROGRESS MEASURES <br />Documented work plan by June 30, 2011. <br />First Draft for Discussion Only 6 of 8 January 2011 <br />