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PEDC Board Meeting Minutes <br />September 1, 2011 <br />• R3bi Update from Fred Green: Fred stated that he would be having a Regional Bankers <br />Luncheon on October 3rd that would include Clarksville and Cooper; he plans to provide <br />them with an outline of the Regional Manufacturing Initiative; he has been asked to speak <br />about the Veterans Program that R3bi provides at the 176a' Engineering Brigade of the <br />Texas National Guard in San Antonio on September l0a' where approximately 90% of the <br />unit is from the Dallas Ft. Worth metroplex area; a tenant, James Wallace owner of Jazzy <br />Frog Web Design, has been awarded the Request for Proposal to build a website for <br />Northeast Texas Workforce Solutions Board in the amount of $24,000. <br />• Railroad Right -of -Way Cleanup by Kiamichi with Matt Long, General Manager: Steve <br />stated that Mayor Hashmi wants the city of Paris cleaned up and that includes all of the <br />railroad crossings that Kiamichi Railroad has in the city. Steve has talked with Matt Long <br />about the Mayor's concerns and Steve has offered to provide pictures of the railroad <br />intersections that are in need of having junk removed, vegetation mowed, etc. <br />• Meeting with State Representative George Lavender, House District 1. Steve state that he <br />had attended a luncheon meeting that the local Republican Party had sponsored to provide <br />an opportunity to meet Representative George Lavender in person. It was agreed that the <br />local chambers of commerce should meet and get familiar with the needs of each <br />community in order to prepare for the next Austin County Days in the spring of 2013. <br />• Keystone XL Pipeline Project: Steve provided the Board with a copy of an email dated <br />August 26, 2011 from David Dunnigan, The Harrell Group, stating that the Department of <br />State issued its third (and Final) Environmental Impact Statement which states that there <br />will be no significant impact on the environment. <br />Discussion and possible action regarding line of credit for Paris EDC. Steve reported that Capital <br />One had commissioned Attorney, A.W. Clem, to produce the official documents to approve a $2 million <br />dollar line of credit. This line of credit at the designated interest rate would be available for one year, if <br />not used then the Board has an option to renew it. If the funds are used, then the amount can be converted <br />to a fixed rate /fixed term loan and the rate is negotiable. This would have to be approved by City Council. <br />Motion was made by Kenny Dority to recommend approval of the $2 million dollar line of credit with <br />Capital One; seconded by Doug Wehrman. Motion Carried 5 -0. <br />The Board convened into executive session at 3:53 p.m. pursuant to Section 551.072 and Section <br />551.087 of the Texas Government Code to discuss and deliberate on the following: <br />A. Section 551.072 — Real Property <br />B. Section 551.087 — Economic Development Negotiations <br />Note: Kenny Dority left Executive Session at 5:15 p.m. <br />Executive session ended at 6:00 p.m. The Board reconvened into open session. As a result of executive <br />session discussion, the Board took the following action: <br />Doug Wehrman made a motion to accept the payoff of $1,756,701.81 from Paris Packaging for full <br />payment of the note associated with the 2010 outstanding bonds, and authorize the Chairman to execute <br />the agreement; seconded by Rick Poston. Motion Carried 4 -0. <br />2 <br />