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QVaris — Lamar County Ifeafth Department <br />TO. Box 938 or 740 S.W 6th Street E <br />Faris, 2'e.Zas 75461 -0938 <br />Is— Voice: 903 - 7854561 FaZ 903 - 737 -9924 • ;,, <br />zvww. pgwfamarhea1th. com <br />SIGNED MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING <br />PARIS -LAMAR COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />The Paris -Lamar County Board of Health held a special meeting at 6 :00 P.M. on Thursday, October 41h, <br />2012, at the Paris -Lamar County Health Department. <br />Board members in attendance included Dr. Rick Erickson, Dr. William George, Dr. Mark Gibbons, Mr. <br />Bill Strathern, and Ms. Kristi Martin. Board Members not attending the meeting were Dr. Keith House <br />and Dr. Lav Singh. Others in attendance included Mrs. Gina Prestridge. Meeting called to order at 6:03 <br />P.M. by Dr. Erickson. <br />Mr. Strathern made the motion and was seconded by Ms. Martin that minutes of previous meeting be <br />approved. <br />Mrs. Prestridge updated the board regarding the purchase of the building located at 4th S.W. and West <br />Sherman Street. The New Hope Center will purchase the building and pay for the renovations then the <br />Paris - Lamar County Health Department will lease a portion of the building for 20 years. The RAM <br />Foundation is lending $110,000 towards the purchase and up to an additional $115,000 for renovations <br />at 4.5% interest for 20 years. The interest rate will be renegotiated after 10 years and set the interest <br />rate for the next 10 years. At the maturity of the 20 year lease, then the Paris - Lamar County Health <br />Department will no longer be required to make a payment, but will contribute to any upkeep cost to the <br />building over the next 20 years. The Legacy Foundation will give the Paris - Lamar County Health <br />Department an annual payment of $10,000. to go towards the building lease payment. The Paris - <br />Lamar County Health Department monthly payment should be around $600.00 monthly and WIC will <br />pay a portion of that. Closing is scheduled for the first week in November. Bobby Smallwood will start <br />the renovations immediately and will take approximately 60 days. Bobby Smallwood will consult with <br />Gina about any design issues with the Paris - Lamar County Health Department and WIC as long as the <br />cost stays under $115,000. We may sublet out some of the space to non -profit organizations to offset <br />the cost. The New Hope Center will install a firewall and sprinkler system on the portion they will <br />occupy. We have had an issue and the police were called out to the building because someone had <br />broken into the building and stole some of the cooper wiring. Additional patrol will be done on the <br />building and a gentleman came out and boarded up the broken windows. We are currently looking into <br />installing an alarm system for $1,000. The parking lots across the street went with the sale of the <br />building. <br />Indigent Health Care was billed for approximately $1,600. the first month. We have seen lots of new <br />clients. We just started working the four 10 -hour days and Elda Francis, the new FNP has started <br />working, and we have had several flu clinics out in the community, including the Courthouse, Jail, and <br />Sears. <br />Board of health minutes of regular meeting 2012 -06 -26 <br />