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saris — Lamar County 9feafth Department <br />(P O. (Boat 938 or 740 S. W. 6th Street - E <br />,mot <br />Tans, texas 75461 -0938 , <br />Voice: 903 - 7854561 Fad 903 - 737 - 9924,, * <br />urmw.parisfamarheafth. com <br />SIGNED MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING <br />PARIS -LAMAR COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />The Paris -Lamar County Board of Health held a special meeting at 5:30 P.M. on Tuesday, October 23rd, <br />2012, at the Paris -Lamar County Health Department. <br />Board members in attendance included Dr. Rick Erickson, Dr. William George, Dr. Mark Gibbons, Dr. <br />Keith House. Board Members not attending the meeting were Mr. Bill Strathern, Ms. Kristi Martin. and <br />Dr. Lav Singh. Others in attendance included Mrs. Gina Prestridge and Ms. Cheryl Johnson. Meeting <br />called to order at 6:27 P.M. by Dr. Erickson. <br />No minutes are typed or ready for approval. <br />Review and adopt Paris - Lamar County Health Department by -laws. <br />Dr. Erickson made the motion and was seconded by Dr. Gibbons that the by -laws presented by the <br />Coastal Health & Wellness Governing Board be adopted after the name is changed to the Paris - Lamar <br />County Health Department. <br />Dr. Erickson made the motion and was seconded by Dr. Gibbons that Dr. Erickson, Chairman of the <br />Paris - Lamar County Health Department Board, be appointed as the delegate that has the authority to <br />be able to sign on the authority of the governing board. <br />The next meeting is scheduled for November 13th, 2012 at 6:00 P.M. <br />Dr. Gibbons made the motion and was seconded by Dr. House for the meeting to be adjourned. <br />&W* po" <br />Respectfully, submitted <br />By: Cheryl D. Johnson <br />Approval motion made by Dr. House and seconded by Dr. Gibbons at the November 13th, 2012 meeting. <br />Board of health minutes of regular meeting 2012 -06 -26 <br />