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20th we will hold a peristyle rededication ceremony. Sally Wright said she would see if she can get former Dancing <br />with the Starts contestants there since they helped raise the money for the project. <br />Economic Restructuring — Britin reported that the meeting is this Thursday at 6:30pm at Time Flies. Committee will be <br />writing a questionnaire for businesses to help better understand what support services are being utilized and what <br />other support might be needed. <br />Historic Preservation Commission — Britin reported that HPC will need to have the Peristyle dedication on their <br />agenda to partner with Main Street for the event. Signage for Bois d'arc restaurant was approved at the last meeting. <br />VCC /Chamber — Becky reported that the Eiffel Tower is now lit at night so please stop by. Work is still in progress. <br />Junk Yard Babes were in Paris today and were encouraged to shop in downtown businesses. The Highway 82 Yard <br />Sale is the first weekend in June. Spaces on the Plaza are $25 each and spaces at Market Square are $10 each. There <br />will be a map of the locations, and with 20 towns currently signed up the sale will stretch from New Boston to <br />Quanah. Tour de Paris is coming up in July and they will need volunteers. <br />Kari presented a design by Josiah Daniel for the billboard above the former Winery building on Clarksville Street that will <br />promote PDA, Chamber and Main Street. Cheri and Karie commented that the design elements resembled houses or bird <br />houses, so Kari will see what adjustments can be made to that. In addition, the downtown map is being reprinted and Cheri <br />requested that the Maxey House be added. <br />Future Agenda Requests: Cheri requested that the topic of a Downtown Public Restroom be added to the next agenda. Becky <br />commented that downtown Marshall, Texas has a very nice one, and that the Chamber cannot advertise theirs as public. <br />Motion to Adjourn made by Bill and seconded by Karie. Vote was unanimous in favor. <br />Meeting adjourned at 4:40pm <br />Minutes taken By Britin Bostick. <br />X <br />;�A—A t <br />Utz- Chairman, Main Street Advisory Board <br />DATE i <br />