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Tour de Paris -Main Street hosted a card that showed historic downtown facts with <br />downtown coupons as well as a historic map. These will be in the packets for the tour. <br />Please come rally for the riders around 8:00. Expecting 800 riders. <br />Historic brochure& downtown map- thanks to Kari Daniel for the work on the map. <br />5000 are being printed to be placed in hotels, downtown businesses and at the <br />chamber. Any other distribution help will be welcome. <br />Marketing- "a hundred fun things to do in downtown" Daryl Felsberg has produced a <br />few You Tube videos to start and are being shown through a number links on <br />different Facebook pages. <br />Grand theater - council has approved the rest of the hazardous clean up. This should <br />expend the funds from the brownfield grant. We will be applying for another <br />brownfield grant. <br />a. Organization -Casey Ressler <br />There is a basic site located off of We are <br />continuing to work on a standalone site. <br />B. Design -Karie Raulston <br />Discussing the grand and updating the sign. Updating the Culbertson fountain tile to <br />something safer as well as fixing the fountain fish. Located a need for three trashcans <br />and five benches on the current sidewalk project. Design committee is researching <br />local fabricators. New sidewalk grant request in progress- and a decision on where to <br />start is in progress. The group prioritized sidewalk conditions, and recommended a <br />list. West side sidewalks on Bonham on the top of the list. Helen Ressler and Cheri <br />filled some planters in front of vital beet with fresh flowers. <br />C. Promotions -Kari Daniel <br />Two weeks away from the end of Movies in the Park. Over 500 people at Finding <br />Nemo and Lion King. Chaplin night had 150. Increasingly successful. PDA has raised <br />more funds this year than last with the concession stand. Upcoming film is "my girl' <br />followed by viewer's choice <br />D. Economic restructure - Britin- tabled <br />