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variance. The frontage on Jefferson Road is 1,800 linear feet, the sign will be <br />located on a curve and there will be no direct radial line for the sign. The sign will <br />be placed on an engineered foundation. <br />B. There was no opposition. <br />Public hearing was declared closed. <br />Motion was made by Chester Martindale, seconded by Rick Hundley to approve <br />the sign variance. Motion carried 5 -0. <br />4. Public hearing and consideration of and action on the petition of David Hicks (Hicks <br />Muffler) to grant a variance of Sign Ordinance 2008 -021, Section 28 -24(4) ivilich <br />provides "all electronic sign faces shall be limited to a maximum of ten (10) square, feet in <br />area; provided, however, properties adjacent and fronting •opting on Loop 286 may locate an <br />electronic sign./acing Loop 286 up to a maximum sign face area of thirty -two (32) square <br />feet, " to allow 12.8 square feet of electronic sign,face area, which is a 2.8 square foot <br />variance on Lot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8, Block 2, S. J. Wright Addition, being number 1635 <br />Bonham Street. <br />Public hearing was declared open. <br />A. The following individuals spoke in favor of the petition. <br />David Hicks, Hicks Muffler, 1635 Bonham Street, spoke in favor of the petition. <br />Mr. Hicks stated they are proposing to add a digital sign below the existing pole <br />sign. He will be adding an insert to the pole sign so the bottom of the sign clears <br />the ground by eight feet. Mr. Hicks further stated they have lost business since the <br />band on torpedo signs went in effect. This will help advertise to the public and <br />promote community events. <br />B. There was no opposition. <br />Public hearing was declared closed. <br />Motion was made by Kyle McCarley, seconded by Allen Moore to approve the sign <br />variance. Motion carried 5 -0. <br />6. Meeting adjourned at 12:08 p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS stn DAY OF OCTOBER, 2010. <br />