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3 <br /> and your strengths, and come up with this gross list, which will form a <br /> comprehensive assessment. by the time they get through this process, <br /> they will have a very good image of what Paris is, what our aspiration <br /> is, what our philosophy is of development. Then we go into the <br /> Strategic Planning Process, and that is where you want to go. We take <br /> the comprehensive assessment and we do this, and this is where it <br /> becomes tough. We will work with you to develope an economic <br /> development vision of what you want Paris to be. It becomes a share <br /> when other buys into it, so that you all are tracking in the same <br /> direction. You are all focusing your efforts going in one way. We do <br /> that through the local analysis that we have here that we developed as <br /> a comprehensive assessment. We look at regional and national trends, <br /> business patterns, government action, competition, what your allies are <br /> doing, and then we start defining goals and objectives. This is the <br /> process that we do in workshop sessions with your 5 person Board of <br /> Directors, but others should be involved in defining what are major <br /> goals. We are not looking at 15 - 20 major goals, we are talking about <br /> 1, 2, or 3 major goals to achieve your economic future. You will work <br /> that into your market place. You start going to trade shows, taking <br /> trade publications,and get them thinking about Paris Texas. While we <br /> are doing that, we start talking about alternate strategy. Then we <br /> select specific strategies, and this has to be an on going process. <br /> <br /> Mr. Shelton said that shared visions and implementation is how to <br /> market Paris. Texas. <br /> <br /> Phillip Cecil asked Mr. Shelton that if part of his work in setting up the <br /> organization, would be perimeters, to develope perimeters <br /> for the corporation to be guided by, in investments. That it will make <br /> what is appropriate for those perimeters, in other words, how much <br /> money would be appropriate to be extended per job acquired, whether it <br /> would be in the form of a loan or whether in the form of some other <br /> type of assistance, would that be addressed. <br /> <br /> Mr. Shelton said they would do this. They would help you develop <br /> a financial incentive policy. <br /> <br /> Phillip Cecil said to follow that step further, he assumed there are <br /> various actions that are very inappropriate for the corporation to do <br /> and get involved in based on your experience. <br /> <br /> Mr. Shelton said, yes, one of the things is when the City Council <br /> appointed you to the five person board. Did they give you a charge, did <br /> they give you a charge with a specific responsibility except economic <br /> development. I would say in this process if you step back now that we <br /> are involved, if we are involved, we would work with the City Council <br /> in developing a charge to this 5 person corporation that becomes the <br /> key for what you do. Mr. Shelton gave an example of going outside the <br /> city limits to finance a business. <br /> <br /> Roy Sparks asked that in their study would they recommend or show how <br /> the organization should be run, as to what part the Chamber's Economic <br /> Development Team would play in the roll and the 5 member board, and <br /> how they would work together. <br /> <br /> Mr. Shelton said this is what we would work in right there. That part <br /> of this is very critical. <br /> <br /> Jim Bell asked Mr. Shelton the differentiation between the old policies <br /> and the new ones, the difference in manufacturing to shift was to a <br /> well creating industries, could you give him an example of well created <br /> industry because in his mind, it seems to be that the thing that has <br /> worked best for Paris is still manufacturing because they will create <br /> better wealth than anything else. <br /> <br /> Mr. Shelton gave an example of tourism. <br /> <br /> Jim Farris asked for the time period to develop this plan. <br /> <br /> Mr. Shelton said approximately six months. <br /> <br /> <br />