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02 <br /> <br /> will have the total breakdown by employment category,, we can determine the <br /> work force drawing area, we can determine the percent of work forces under <br /> employed by industry by specific categories, analyze education levels of work <br /> force, determine the ethnic breakdown of our work force, and they will <br /> recommend target industries based on the work force information in this <br /> analysis. He said that Sherman and Denison has just completed a study like this <br /> done by this same company. Mr. Vest said the total financial commitment for <br /> this study would be $25,000.00 with three entities participating which would be <br /> divided by the number of participating entities. He said if there were five entities <br /> participating the total financial cost would be $34,000.00 with our part being <br /> $6,800.00. President Fendley stated that he felt this would be an excellent <br /> marketing tool, and he asked for comments, stating that this was not an action <br /> item on this agenda. After discussion, it was the consensus of the board that this <br /> would be an excellent study to participate in, and Mr. Vest advised the board that <br /> action needed to be taken prior to the next board meeting. The City Attorney <br /> Haynes advised this could be accomplished through a pass around resolution. <br /> <br /> President Fendley asked if there was any other business and there being none he <br /> declared the board meeting adjourned. <br /> <br /> President Curtis Fendley <br /> ATTEST: <br /> <br /> Assistant City Clerk, Barbara Denny <br /> <br /> <br />