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571 <br /> INCENTIVE AGREEMENT <br /> <br /> STATE OF TEXAS ) - <br /> ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> COUNTY OF LAMAR ) <br /> <br /> THAT, the PARIS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, acting by and <br /> through its President, Michael R. Rhodes, duly authorized, hereinafter called PEDC, and TCIM <br /> SERVICES, INC., acting by and through its Executive Vice-President, Lee Rattigan, duly <br /> authorized, hereinafter called TCIM, do hereby contract and agree as follows: <br /> <br /> WlTNESSETH: <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, PEDC, an Economic Development Corporation organized ~mder the Texas <br /> Development Corporation Act of 1979, Article 5190.6 of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, exists for <br /> the purpose of encouraging and assisting qualified service and manufacturing entities in the creation <br /> of jobs in the Paris, Texas, area; and, <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, TCIM plans to operate a call center facility at Paris, Texas, hereinafter referred <br />to as the "Facility," and intends to employ a minimum of two hundred (200) new, permanent <br />employees over the next sixty (60) months, and to invest a minimum of one million six hundred fifty <br />thousand dollars ($1,650,000.00) on renovations of a building and furniture and equipment at the <br />Paris location; and, <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, TCIM has requested that PEDC provide a grant for the creation of such new, <br />permanent jobs; and, <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the new jobs and investment by TCIM in Paris, Texas, will encourage economic <br />development in Paris, Texas, and PEDC is willing to grant two thousand five hundred dollars <br />($2,500.00) per full-time equivalency job, up to a maximum of five hundred thousand dollars <br />($500,000.00), pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement for the creation of new jobs <br />and investment in equipment; and, <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of PEDC has determined that it is in the best interest of <br />Paris, Texas, that financial incentives be offered to TCLM in order to encourage it to locate its <br />business in Paris, Texas, and to create jobs in Paris, Texas; <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the covenants, promises, and conditions <br />hereinafter contained, PEDC and TCIM agree as follows: <br /> <br /> A. TCIM.agrees to make improvements to the Facility in Paris, Texas, located at 3050 <br /> Clarksville Street, Paris, Texas, as follows: a minimum of $200,000.00 in tenant <br /> <br /> EXHIBIT A <br /> <br /> <br />