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819 <br /> <br /> Mr. Vest Said the week of September 23 - 27, 2002, he and Eric attended the <br /> annual Texas Economic Development Council meeting in San Antonio. Mr. <br /> Vest said he participated in this by doing an hour and one-half presentation. Mr. <br /> Vest advised that also that week, he had an opportunity to meet with the Texas <br /> Commission on Environmental Quality, which they had formerly know as <br /> TNRCC, and they have changed their name to the Texas Commission on <br /> Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Mr. Vest said they have a new Commissioner, <br /> Cathleen Wyatt, and he had a chance to meet with her on Friday. One of the <br /> reasons that he went to this meeting was because they have a new Executive <br /> Director. Mr. Vest advised that if the city gets this new industry, permitting is <br /> going to be a big thing for them, and they will be down there and will be dealing <br /> with TCEQ. <br /> <br /> Mr. Vest mentioned the fact that when they move to the Depot, there is going <br /> to be a need to extend the fiber optic from the Paris Police Department to the <br /> Depot in order to run their computer systems. He said the Chamber of <br /> Commerce does not have the resources to do that, which is approximately two <br /> to three thousand dollars. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board <br /> to continue with the extension of the fiber optic and bring it back to the Board <br /> for approval. <br /> <br /> Mr. Vest advised the Board that the City of Paris received a TIFF Grant and <br /> when the Chamber of Commerce is moved to the Depot, there are going to be <br /> four computers available for public use. These computers can be used to pay <br /> their water bills, the council agenda will be available, the web sites for the <br /> Chamber of Commerce, City of Paris, PEDC, Paris Jr. College, and things of <br /> that nature. Mr. Vest said' this is going to be handled by the TIFF Grant and all <br /> they have to do is get the fiber optic to the Depot. <br /> <br /> Mr. Vest passed out a brochure on Cox Field Airport. <br /> <br /> Director Wall stated that now that he has been elected as the Chairman of the <br /> Chamber of Commerce and the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce is an <br /> ex-offocio of this Board, can Mike Graxiola continue as an ex-officio member. <br /> <br /> <br />