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<br /> <br />Council Conference in Plano on April 23-25, 2003. They have been working <br />on a lot of legislative issues, such as Mark Homer's House Bill 2912. He said <br />that it did get out of the House and passed over to the Senate side and Senator <br />Ratliff is carrying it there. Senator Ratliff is going to present it in the morning <br />at 8:00 A.M. and Gary said he had to be present to testify in favor of it. They <br />have run into a lot of opposition to this bill. Mr. Vest explained for the new <br />members that this is a clean up bill on the 4A and 4B Corporations. Mr. Vest <br />explained that there is a lot of opposition from librarians as they decided they <br />can use the sales tax money to build libraries. <br /> <br />President Wall explained that should this bill not go through, they will not <br />eliminate the economic development sales tax this term. He said it will still be <br />in existence, and should they do it the next term, the PEDC remains in existence <br />as long as there is an obligation. President Wall said that PEDC bonded <br />indebtedness extended for the next 17 years, so it is not going to hurt the PEDC <br />very much. <br /> <br />At 4:33 P. M., President Wall announced that the Board would go into a closed <br />session in accordance with Sec. 551.086 of the Open Meetings Act, to discuss <br />possible incentives, pending negotiations, and commercial or financial <br />information from business prospects regarding the following: <br /> <br />A. Project Holt. <br /> <br />At 5:40 P.M., Presented Wall announced that the Board was back in open <br />session. <br /> <br />Director Severson made a motion to authorize legal council to continue <br />negotiations with Project Holt regarding the incentive agreement. The motion <br />was seconded by Director Sims and carried 5 ayes, 0 nays. <br /> <br />President Wall advised that no action was required on Agenda Item No. 8, <br />discussion of and possible action on establishing incentives to be offered to the <br />prospect Project Holt and to be included in an incentive agreement, and Agenda <br /> <br /> <br />