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MINUTES <br />TRAFFIC COMMISSION <br />Tuesday, February 6, 2001 <br />5:15 o'clock P.M. <br />Police and Courts Building <br />811 Bonham Street <br />Paris, Texas <br />The Traffic Commission met in regular session Tuesday, February 6, 2001 with the <br />following members present: <br />1. Charles Thompson <br />2. Mary Lane <br />3. George Robinson <br />4. Cleo Holmes <br />5. Ed Ellis <br />6. Ricky Mackey <br />7. Kenneth Webb <br />8. John Gooding <br />The city staff was represented by Assistant Police Chief James Barnett. <br />Chairman George Robinson called the meeting to order at 5:15 P.M. <br />The Minutes of the September 5, 2000 meeting were approved as submitted. <br />A request to remove the Handicapped Parking designation from the spaces on the West <br />end of the 100 block of Clarksville Street, on the South side of the street, was the first item <br />for consideration. <br />Mrs. June Preston of 2955 Hubbard Street, Paris, Texas, appeared to speak in favor of <br />removing the designation. She said she owns two business locations that are near the <br />handicapped spaces and her tenants tell her it is rarely used and they would prefer regular <br />parking there. Mrs. Preston also said the handicapped parking spaces downtown were not <br />placed in a uniform manner and she would prefer they be placed at the far end of a block <br />instead of at the beginning of a block. Assistant Chief Barnett said the handicapped <br />parking had been placed in response to a request and was usually placed as near the <br />building a handicapped person wanted to enter as possible. He said they were normally <br />placed at the beginning of a block because most vehicles equipped with side lifts for loading <br />and /or unloading a wheelchair were on the Right side of the vehicles and only one parking <br />space would be needed for a handicapped zone which requires more space than a regular <br />parking zone. <br />Commissioner John Gooding said he would recommend someone do a study and come up <br />with a uniform pattern of placing handicapped parking in the downtown area. Several <br />other commission members agreed with that and said they would like this recommendation <br />in the minutes. <br />