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Planning and Zoning Meeting <br />May 6, 2003 <br />Page 11 <br />culture, association with an important event or association with the lives <br />of historically important people or historically important architecture. <br />If they were constructed by master designers, builders or craftsmen, if, <br />they constitute a landmark feature of the community or have general <br />archeological value to our historical heritage. The Paris Historic <br />Commission has proposed the Downtown Commercial Historic District <br />and held a public hearing on April 3, 2003. In considering an area for <br />designation as historic, we are required to also propose regulations <br />which would control exterior changes or modifications to properties <br />within the historic district. Under the Ordinance, what would be <br />considered ordinary maintenance is not controlled by the Ordinance. <br />However, those activities which would change architectural features, <br />design in material or color or outward appearance would be regulated. <br />The Ordinance also empowers the Commission to consider applications <br />for what it would call Certificates of Appropriateness. Certificates of <br />Appropriateness would be issued to individual property owners to <br />authorize those property owner to make changes to the exterior <br />features of their property. The Commission following careful review <br />will deem either appropriate or inappropriate those consistent with <br />historic designations. The Commission has proposed the regulations <br />approved by the U.S. Department of Interior for the application to <br />historic properties in general as the regulations would be adopted and <br />applied to properties within, first, the Downtown Historic District and <br />other historic districts that would be proposed by this body in future <br />times. There are scores of people at work on this historical district and <br />have been for about a year now and are looking forward to the passage <br />of the new designation as a Historical District overlay zoning. <br />Barbara Wilson, member of the Historical Commission, spoke on the <br />economics of the situation stating that is what brought the new <br />designation all about. Ms. Wilson referred to a decaying infrastructure <br />in the center of the city when different groups were approached to try <br />and determine how the center of the city could be revived, not only the <br />