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Planning and Zoning Meeting <br />June 3, 2003 <br />Page 11 <br />rough estimate on the old Rogers Wade building is over a million <br />dollars. Chairman Reeves Hayter stated that it would be up to the <br />owner of the properties to pay for whatever improvements are made. <br />Mr. Bone stated that the building would already be gone if he had not <br />put the metal roof on it. Some of the structure is rotten from the <br />leakage. <br />Freddie Swaim, 375 Laurel Lane, Paris, stated that his plea is for the <br />Commission to do what is right. This is the only country that you can <br />vote without worry about being killed or elections being turned over, <br />the right to own guns, right to own property and the right to go <br />anywhere in the United States without asking anybody or telling <br />anybody. Mr. Swaim has been in his building since 1932 and has no <br />idea of anyway that he would want to change it but when it comes time <br />to fix the roof he will fix it the way it has to be fixed. Mr. Swaim stated <br />the law is not even in effect and people have already been told that they <br />cannot even live on their own land —where are property rights. <br />Jim Wright, 805 20t' SE, who owns property at Bonham Street and <br />Grand Avenue stated that in 1916 there was not somebody saying that <br />you cannot put a trailer house on a lot where kids could be raised and <br />sent to school to help pay taxes. Need relief on personal property taxes <br />and maybe what the Historic Commission wants done can be done to <br />the old buildings. <br />There was no further opposition, the public hearing was declared <br />closed. <br />13. Consideration of and action on the petition of the Historic Preservation <br />Commission for a change in zoning from Central Area (CA) to a <br />Historical Overlay District (HD), being the Downtown Area. <br />Motion was made to approve the request to a Historical Overlay <br />