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Planning and Zoning Meeting <br />June 3, 2003 <br />Page 4 <br />Services Agency, RCD Conservation Development and Lamar County <br />Soil Conservation are requesting to build an office building at this <br />location. It will be one building with several offices. <br />Alfred Mackin, Director of Lamar Soil and Water Conservation <br />District, stated that the district wants to build a building for the Farm <br />Service Administration and also the Natural Resource Conservation. <br />There would be only one building, about 2 acres with 40 parking spaces <br />on it. It would only be used for housing these offices. The building <br />would be used 5 days a week, 8 hours a day and it would be a Federal <br />Building. The building is being leased to the Federal Government and <br />the district is wanting to build the building. <br />David Basinger, Deport, Texas, Lamar County Soil and Water <br />Conservation Chairman, spoke in favor of the petition stating that there <br />would be only 1 or 2 front doors with all the offices working together. <br />There will not be several offices lined up together but will be an open <br />form. They will be out there out of the way, all the farmers can come <br />in and out without any problems. The Loop access is very good. They <br />are trying to building something that they can lease to the Government <br />for so many years and then after it is paid for, the money from the lease <br />can be put back into the community, used for scholarships and helping <br />the people in the community on their farms. <br />9. Consideration of and action on the petition of Benton Rainey for a <br />change in zoning from a One - Family Dwelling District No. 2 (SF -2) to <br />a Commercial District (C), Pt. of Lot 8, City Block 361, being the 3400 <br />Block of Jefferson Road. <br />Motion made to approve by Brad Archer, seconded by Russell McCain. <br />Motion to approve carried by a vote of 5 ayes and 1 nay. <br />10. Public Hearing to consider the petition of Donald G. Wilson for a <br />change in zoning from a One - Family Dwelling District No. 2 (SF -2) to <br />