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Planning and Zoning Minutes <br />March 7, 2005 <br />Page 6 <br />12. Consideration of and possible action on amendments to the Future <br />Land Use Map, which is a part of the Comprehensive Plan, as it <br />relates to the southwest quadrant of Paris. <br />Lisa Wright introduced Barbara Wilson as a representative of the <br />Historic Preservation Commission who would be on hand to answer <br />any questions they might have concerning areas designated historic. <br />Mrs. Wilson pointed out that the Wise House was listed as a public <br />park. She inquired as to the Commission's thoughts on the central <br />area. Mr. Hayter explained that there had been discussion on <br />whether to leave central area on the map or simply recommend a <br />specific use, such as retail. Mrs. Wilson said she was concerned about <br />the uses which were permitted in the central area, and Mr. Hayter <br />stated that this was an issue that could be handled once the actual <br />zoning ordinance was looked at. <br />Motion was made to table by Carl Lucas, seconded by Benny Plata. <br />Motion carried by a vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays. <br />Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. <br />