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<br />(a) The use shall be conducted entirely within the dwelling unit, and there shall be no on- <br />site employment or use of labor from persons who are not bona fide residents of the <br />dwelling, except a disabled resident may employ assistance from one (1) person at <br />a time who is not a resident and whose assistance is limited to overcoming the effect <br />of the disability. <br /> <br />(b) The area set aside for a home occupation shall not exceed twenty percent <br />(20%) of the total floor area of the residence, including garages. The <br />permissible floor area includes that space necessary for storage of goods or <br />products associated with the home occupation. <br /> <br />(c) Merchandise offered for sale shall be clearly incidental to the home <br />occupation; provided, however, that orders may be taken for later delivery off <br />the premises. <br /> <br />(d) Delivery of products to the home for business purposes shall not occur more <br />frequently than twice a week. Delivery by trucks or vehicles not ordinarily <br />utilized for residential deliveries shall be prohibited. <br /> <br />(e) No toxic, explosive, flanunable, combustible, corrosive, etiologic, radioactive <br />or other restricted material shall be stored on site. <br /> <br />(f) No mechanical equipment other than that ordinarily utilized within a dwelling <br />unit for household or hobby purposes shall be permissible. <br /> <br />(g) No activity shall be conducted which would interfere with radio or television <br />transmission in the area, nor shall there be any offensive noise, smoke, dust <br />or heat noticeable beyond the premises. <br /> <br />(h) No home occupation shall require external alteration of the residence or other <br />visible evidence of the conduct of such home occupation. <br /> <br />(i) The operation of the home occupation shall not cause or encourage excess <br />vehicular or pedestrian traffic not ordinarily associated with the residential <br />area in which the home occupation is conducted except under the following <br />conditions: <br /> <br />(I) Public access to the home occupation shall be by invitation only and <br />there shall ordinarily be no more than one vehicle not owned by the <br />occupants on or adjacent to the property for business purposes except <br />that appointments may overlap for a time period not exceeding thirty <br />(30) minutes; <br />