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<br />destination point outside the city, shall proceed by the shortest direction possible to a truck <br />route as herein established. <br /> <br />(e) Truck traffic with origination points outside the city limits and destination points inside <br />the city limits. <br /> <br />(1) Single inside city limit destination point. All trucks entering the city for a <br />destination point in the city shall proceed only over an established truck route <br />and shall deviate only at the intersection with the street nearest the destination <br />point. Upon leaving the destination point, said truck shall return to an <br />established truck route by the shortest permissible route. <br /> <br />(2) Multiple inside city limit destination points. All trucks entering the city for <br />multiple destination points shall proceed only over established truck routes and <br />shall deviate only at the intersection with the street nearest to the first <br />destination point. Upon leaving the first destination point, said truck shall <br />proceed to the other destination points by the shortest direction, maximizing the <br />use of established truck routes. Upon leaving the last destination point, said <br />truck shall return to an established truck route by the shortest possible route. <br /> <br />"Sec. 31-53. Operation in the Central Business District. <br /> <br />No through trucks shall be permitted upon a road, street, or a thoroughfare within <br />the central business district except for purposes of end point delivery or pickup of <br />material at an address located within said central business district. <br /> <br />"Sec.31-54. Operation in Public Parks <br /> <br />No truck shall be permitted on those portions of any road, street, or thoroughfare <br />running in and through the various City maintained parks, except for end point deliveries <br />and pickup of materials located within the park. <br /> <br />"Sec. 31-55. Roads, streets, or thoroughfares posted No Truck Traffic. <br /> <br />No truck shall be permitted to enter or use streets within the City, which are posted <br />with signs stating "No Truck Traffic," "No Through Truck Traffic," or similar <br />prohibitive language. <br /> <br />"Sec. 31-56. Signs <br /> <br />The public works director shall erect appropriate signs and markings advising <br />motorists of the truck routes established by this ordinance and of streets upon which <br />truck traffic is prohibited by ordinance. <br /> <br />"Sec. 31-57. Penalties. <br /> <br />Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty ofa <br />misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished as provided in Section 1-6 of this <br /> <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />