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sheetrock and gotten rid of it then it's still there even if it's painted over. What they're <br />telling the tenants to, they give them bleach. So that's why I'm... <br />Mrs. Ruthart: Not any more. <br />Ms. Cherry: But yall used to. <br />Mrs. Ruthart: I'm not used to, I just started in July. We are not doing that anymore. We <br />have had 2 that we have actually relocated, stripped all the sheetrock out of the <br />apartment, thousands of dollars... <br />Mr. Savage: Didn't we get a report on that at one of the meetings? <br />Mr. Dangerfield: You moved that girl out of Booker T. didn't you? <br />Mrs. Ruthart: Yes. <br />Ms. Cherry: My point is that this is not a secret that nobody knows about. <br />Mrs. Ruthart: If we don't know where it's at, we can't fix it. <br />Ms. Cherry: You gave bleach to... <br />Mrs. Ruthart: I didn't give bleach to... <br />Ms. Cherry: But you were the assistant to the Executive Director. <br />Mrs. Ruthart: But I had no control over that. <br />Ms. Cherry: I understand that, but the mold is still here. <br />Mrs. Ruthart: But I have this list and I promise you it will be taken care of. And that's <br />just George Wright, right? <br />Ms. Cherry: Yeh, just George Wright and it's only a few of them, but I plan on <br />finishing. How time consuming it was, I'm just making excuses, I should.... <br />Mr. Savage: So when you go to them, do you actually do an inspection or are you <br />asking them? <br />Ms. Cherry: It depends, the ones that say "Come in ", but I don't ask to go into their <br />home <br />Mr. Savage: Are you asking them about the mold or their problems? <br />Ms. Cherry: I'm asking them do you have any mold problems and then I ask did they <br />get the letter saying that I would probably be coming by and then do you have any mold <br />and they will tell me they do or don't some say I have this problem or that problem, don't <br />have mold, ya know. <br />Mr. Savage: When the inspector comes in to inspect for mold shouldn't they, just like <br />they tell you, shouldn't they tell him who is suppose to report the mold. <br />Ms. Cherry: I don't know that an inspector has came to them and said do you have any <br />mold because they already know they ... the Housing Authority already knows where the <br />mold is. They already know. <br />Mr. Savage: When an inspector goes into people's houses, do he inform them of what <br />he's inspecting? I mean he doesn't just walk in and say I'm gonna walk through your <br />house right? <br />Mrs. Ruthart: We send out a letter that says an inspector is coming to inspect your <br />house, he goes in, I have not personally with him to know... <br />Ms. Cherry: And they don't go to all of them, just how many, what percent? <br />Mrs. Ruthart: Yes we do hire and inspector that goes through every one of them, one has <br />to be done every year. <br />Ms. Cherry: But not the HUD one? <br />Mrs. Ruthart: No, an Inspector that we hire for UPCS inspections. We have to inspect <br />every unit every year. <br />Ms. Cherry: Cuz you know the man that said they came to paint over his mold right <br />before the inspection, I see a problem with that ya know. I just do. <br />Ms. Hearn: Did they just complain to you or did they complain to you about it? <br />Mrs. Ruthart: If they told me, we have taken care of it. <br />4 <br />
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