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(F) Additional Considerations Regarding the Staff Recommendation: <br />1. The city engineer has stated that this subject lot is small and cars shall not be parked within <br />the right —of - -way (ROW) where they could block visibility on Sherman Street. At a minimum, if <br />this zoning request is approved, then the owner should identify the property line with an <br />identifiable perimeter line or a curb to keep parked cars off the ROW. Gravel is on the site but it <br />is no longer allowed. 2. The fire marshal stated that he has no issue with this requested zoning <br />change but he did state, however, that he had concerns about access and site distance <br />considerations with the addition of auto sales on this subject property lot. 3. The public works <br />director and the city engineer have determined that there is a sewer line located at an adjacent <br />property, which does not affect this zoning case. 4. For the March 6, 2017 Planning and Zoning <br />Commission meeting, the city planning manager determined that there are factors that can argue <br />for both approval or disapproval of this rezoning request. However, after careful deliberation, <br />the Planning and Zoning Commission decided to recommend approval of this SUP, with a five <br />(5) year time limit, but tabled this item for further clarification from the city attorney regarding <br />time —frames that can be applied to an SUP. The staff concurs with the commission's decision to <br />approve with a time —limit condition. <br />In this current rezoning request, the SUP is specifically for approval of an open car lot, and <br />therefore the request involves land area on the site itself, in contrast to the existing bail bond <br />office structure already on site; therefore the staff did not require a typical site plan. In that <br />regard, the city staff has instead requested that the applicant provide the following basic <br />information, in the site plan context, to further enable evaluation of this rezoning request: (a) the <br />location of where the cars to be sold will be parked, and in relation to parking for the remaining <br />bail bond business; (b) identify the number of parking spaces (with the correct dimension of said <br />spaces); (c) show access for the parking of all vehicles; and (d), items (a) (b) and (c) above <br />should be illustrated in relation to the property line. The applicant has addressed these <br />components and the city staff has evaluated these items. <br />RECOMMENDATION: Approve a change in zoning from Central Area District (CA) to a <br />Central Area District with a Specific Use Permit (No. 50—New or Used Car Lot, Open) on Lot <br />Part of 10 & 11, City Block 178, being located at 443 S.W. 1St Street, with the condition that this <br />SUP be limited to a period of five (5) years with the opportunity to request additional time <br />through the Specific Use Permit approval process. <br />2 <br />