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PEDC Board Meeting Minutes <br />March 21, 2017 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />although February is usually the highest month because it is December's sales tax; this year is was <br />about $20,000 more due to a business audit. Our monthly expenses worksheet shows our ending cash <br />balance as $2,867,453.66 and our reserves as $540,763.66. This gives us a total cash and reserve <br />balance of $3,408,217.32. Mr. Brockman made a motion to approve the financials. Mr. Banks <br />seconded the motion. Vote was 5 -ayes and 0 -nays. <br />Discuss and possibly approve the yearly Audit Report for the 2015 -2016 year as presented by <br />Andy Reich and Victoria Bethea of McClanahan and Holmes. <br />Mr. Andy Reich and Ms. Victoria Bethea from McClanahan & Holmes presented the PEDC audit <br />report. Mr. Reich read from page 2 of the Independent Auditors' Report: <br />Opinions <br />"In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material <br />respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities of PEDC as of <br />September 30, 2016, and the respective changes in financial position and, where applicable, <br />cash flows for the year ". <br />Mr. Reich stated that basically this was a "clean opinion" on the financial statements. He went on to <br />page 4 the Statement of Revenues and Expenditures for the year ended September 30, 2016. The Sales <br />Tax Revenue was just over $1.4 million and the Expenditures were about $400,000; adding $1,000,000 <br />to the Fund Balance to be used for future incentives. Mr. Banks questioned the Investments section on <br />page 8, paragraphs two and three. Mr. Wilson said Gene Anderson would be the one to answer <br />questions on the investment pools since cities all over Texas use the pools. Mr. Banks is concerned that <br />the PEDC is using investment pools that are not insured. Mr. Paris asked if they would like a discussion <br />of investment pools with Mr. Anderson to be a future agenda item. Mr. Manning said they would like it <br />on a future agenda. Mr. Reich asked the Board if they had any other questions about the audit. There <br />were no other questions. Mr. Banks made a motion to accept the Audit Report. Mr. Wilson seconded <br />the motion. Vote was 5 -ayes and 0 -nays. <br />Discuss future budget amendments. <br />Mr. Wilson stated that he wanted the Board to discuss future budget amendments so the adjustments <br />could be made before his term as Secretary/Treasurer ended in June of this year. The first adjustment <br />would be $23,000 taken from Contract Labor and put into Salaries & Wages. Under the Direct <br />Business Incentives we added the Park Street Project during the fiscal year which we should list as <br />$60,000. We ask for any suggestions or problems you see in the budget be brought to our attention. <br />Budget amendments will be ready for approval at the April Board meeting. Mr. Banks asked if the <br />numbers we add in will be taken from another item. Mr. Wilson responded that we would just be <br />adding to the budget since we were under budget. The $8,000 to Potters' Industries for 2015 should <br />have been paid in fiscal year 2015 -2016, but was paid in fiscal year 2016 -2017. This second payment <br />for $8,000 is for Potters' Industries 2016 and it is the correct payment to be paid this fiscal year. We <br />