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REGULAR MEETING MINLT17ES <br />PARIS MUNICIPAL BAND COMMISSION <br />THURSDAY MARCH 23, 2017 <br />5:15, P.M. <br />Present <br />Absent <br />Randy Bunch, Chairman <br />Cleonne Drake <br />Joe Watson, Director <br />Clu-istian Uidsey <br />Byron Myrick II <br />Betsy Mills <br />Patsy Daniels <br />Becky Semple <br />Cheri Bedford <br />Meeting was called to order by Chairman Randy Bunch at 5:17 p.m. <br />Review and approval of Minutes from meeting held February 2, 2017. Becky Semple motioned <br />to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Mrs. Daniel, motion carried. <br />Music: Mr. Watson informed the commission that Cleonne Drake had visited with the City <br />Manager and there was $2000 set aside for new music that wouldn't be taken out of the <br />Municipal band budget. Mr. Myrick had a trip planned to San Antonio and so he purchased <br />$1000 dollars of new music. A trip to Denton will be scheduled with Mr. Watson and Mr. Myrick <br />in the near future to spend the other allotted funds. Music types are a good variety of show <br />tunes, patriotic & concert. <br />Bus and Transportation: Mr. Myrick has spoken to Mr. Jones, the superintendent of PISD and <br />they are working out the details for the Band to use the school's equipment trailer. Small <br />details are still being worked out but it looked promising. Mr. Myrick will follow up with the <br />commission if there are any issues that arise. It was noted that the advertisement of PISD was <br />important to Mr. Jones, and the commission discussed various compensation ideas to PISD for <br />the use of the trailer. <br />Location of concerts: Mr. Myrick has secured the PISD auditorium for the June 9th concert back <br />up plan for inclement weather. <br />Budget for 2018 season: Mrs. Daniels asked about the budget preparation and noted that the <br />Historic society has to prepare their budget in June for the City Manager. There was some <br />discussion on the preparation for the 2018 budget for the band and timeline. Joe Watson will <br />get with Gene Anderson on the details and if they need to begin to prepare their budget by <br />June, and report back to the commission at the next meeting. Mr. Bunch stated that Mr. <br />Anderson of the city finance has rolled over the budget in recent years, but budget preparation <br />is a good idea. <br />