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Love Civic Center <br />Governing Board Minutes <br />Love Civic Center <br />March 23, 2017 <br />4:00 p m <br />Present: Curtis Fendley, JoKyle Varner, Linda Kapp, Chip McEwin, Dr. Pam Anglin, Jeff Martin, Bobby <br />Walters and Kenneth Webb. <br />Staff: Ken Higdon, Gina Crawford, Randy Nation and Kern Wright <br />Curtis Fendley called meeting to order at 4:06 pm. <br />A motion to approve the January minutes was made by Linda Kapp, seconded by Kenneth Webb, all <br />approved. <br />Ken Higdon presented new logo options for the Civic Center, it was decided to go with choice D. <br />Ken Higdon stated that a pamphlet is being worked on and will hopefully have a proof by the next <br />meeting. <br />Ken Higdon gave an update on the long -range planning committee, the assessment has been completed <br />and we are still waiting on a few surveys. <br />Linda Kapp gave an overview of the February financials, they were accepted into the minutes. <br />Ken Higdon gave a report of the repairs happening at the civic center. The RV spots are being <br />renumbered for around $800, wifi has been installed and will reach all the RV spots. Both floor <br />machines are having issues and they are trying to be repaired. <br />Ken Higdon stated that he and Jon McFadden have been working on updated the rental contract. He <br />asked that the long -range planning committee look over it. Ken will send a copy to the committee. <br />There was a discussion of bike kiosk placement, but nothing was decided. It will go back to the Kiosk <br />committee. <br />The next meeting will be on May 18, 2017, 4:00 pm. <br />With nothing further, meeting was adjourned at 4:34 pm. <br />