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Love Civic Center <br />Governing Board Minutes <br />Love Civic Center <br />January 12, 2017 <br />4:00 pm <br />Present: Curtis Fendley, Casey Ressler, Helen Ressler, Linda Kapp, Chip McEwin, Dr. Pam Anglin, Josh <br />Bray, Jeff Martin, Bobby Walters and Troy Scholl. <br />Staff: Ken Higdon, Gina Crawford, Randy Nation and Kern Wright <br />Curtis Fendley called meeting to order at 4:03 pm. <br />A motion to approve the October minutes was made by Bobby Walters, seconded by Chip McEwin, all <br />approved. <br />Ken Higdon presented new logo options for the Civic Center. <br />Ken Higdon stated that the cost of an air curtain was $4500, not installed. Chip McEwin said he would <br />get a quote. <br />Curtis Fendley gave an update on the long range planning committee. He presented two bids from <br />assessment companies. A motion to spend up to $10,000.00, for a walk thru assessment of the civic <br />center, was made by Bobby Walters, seconded by Pam Anglin. <br />Linda Kapp gave an overview of the December financials, they were accepted into the minutes. <br />Ken Higdon gave a report of the repairs happening at the civic center. A leak from a pop off valve, leak <br />in flower bids and door sensor issue. These leaks have been repaired and someone is coming to look at <br />sensor. <br />Ken Higdon stated that he and Jon McFadden have been working on updated the rental contract and he <br />will bring a revised copy to next meeting. <br />The next meeting will be on March 23, 2017,4:00 pm. <br />With nothing further, meeting was adjourned at 4:25 pm. <br />