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Paris Visitors & Convention Council <br />Board of Directors Meeting <br />January 18, 2017 <br />4:00 pm <br />Members Present: Jeff Nutt, Bryan Hargis, Chad Lee Johnston, Brenda Wells, Cleonne Drake, Jeff <br />Martin, Linda Kapp, Greg Wilson and Lisa Walker. Quorum not present. <br />Staff Present: Ken Higdon, Gina Crawford, and Becky Semple. <br />Lisa Walker called the meeting to order at 4:03 pm. <br />A funding request from the Paris High School Basketball Tournament was presented. Becky Semple <br />stated that she rated the funding and they should get $1872. <br />Greg Wilson gave an update on the bicycle kiosk. He stated that rotary was going to try and give some <br />money and asked that the VCC give $9000. Everyone agreed that this should happen. Greg also stated <br />that the Trail de Paris was in need of directional signage. All agreed that VCC should get a quote and <br />look into this also. <br />Becky Semple gave the directors report. She reported about the upcoming events. She also stated that <br />we are always in need of volunteers. She also gave a brief report about Certified Folder. All agreed that <br />VCC should spend $1200 in order for brochures to get into different travel areas. <br />Jeff Martin stated that Becky Semple needs to visit with John Godwin about bicycle striping lanes to the <br />hotel. <br />Ken Higdon stated that the VCC will be looking to hire a sales and marketing person in 2017. The job <br />description is almost complete. <br />Next meeting will be on February 15, 2017 <br />With nothing further, meeting was adjourned at 5:03 pm. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Becky Semple <br />