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<br />shall coordinate and integrate the Construction Manager's services, the Architect's services <br />and the Owner's responsibilities with anticipated construction schedules. highlighting <br />critical and long-lead-time items. <br /> <br />6. As the Architect progress with the preparation of Schematic. Design Development and <br />Construction documents. the Constmction Manager shall prepare and update. at appropriate <br />intervals agreed to by the Owner. Construction Manager and Architect, estimates of <br />Construction Cost of increasing detail and refinement. The estimated cost of each contract <br />shall be indicated with supporting detail. Such estimates shall be provided for the <br />Architect's review and the Owner's approval. The Construction Manager shall advise the <br />Owner and Architect if it appears that the Construction Cost may exceed the latest approved <br />Project budget and make recommendations for corrective action. <br /> <br />7. The Construction Manager shall consult with the Owner and Architect regarding the <br />Construction Documents and make recommendations whenever design details adversely <br />affect constmctibility. cost or schedules. <br /> <br />8. The Constmction Manager shall provide recommendations and information to the Owner <br />and Architect regarding the assignment of responsibilities to temporary Protect facilities <br />and equipment, materials and services for common use of the Contractors. The <br />Construction Manager shall verifY that such requirements and assignment of <br />responsibilities are included in the proposed Contract Documents. <br /> <br />9. The Constmction Manager shall provide recommendations and information to the Owner <br />regarding the allocation of responsibilities for safety programs among the Contractors. <br /> <br />10. The Construction Manager shall advise on the division of the Project into individual <br />Contracts for various categories of work. If multiple Contracts are to be awarded. the <br />construction Manager shall review the Constmction Documents and make <br />recommendations as required to provide that (t) the Work of the Contractors is coordinated, <br />(2) all requirements for the Project have been assigned to the appropriate Contract, (3) the <br />likelihood of jurisdictional disputes has been minimized. and (4) proper coordination has <br />been provided for phased construction. <br /> <br />II. The Construction Manager shall prepare a project constmction schedule providing for the <br />components of the Work, including phasing of constmction. times of commencement and <br />completion required of each Contractor, ordering and delivery of products requiring long <br />lead time, and the occupancy requirements of the Owner. The Constmction Manager shall <br />provide the current project constmction schedule for each set of bidding documents. <br /> <br />12. The Constmction Manager shall expedite and coordinate the ordering and delivery of <br />materials requiring long lead time. <br /> <br />13. The Constmction Manager shall assist the Owner in selecting, retaining and coordinating <br />the professional services of surveyors. special consultants and testing laboratories required <br />for the Project. <br /> <br />14. The Construction Manager shall provide an analysis of the types and quantities of labor <br />required for the Project and review the availability of appropriate categories of labor <br />required for critical phases. The Constmction Manager shall make recommendation for <br />actions designed to minimize adverse effects oflabor shortages. <br /> <br />Construction Manager Contract Page 3 <br />