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<br />The Wj for all other Special Services shall not exceed a total of N fA and No/l00 Dollars ($ <br />A I. The payment for these Special Services shall be paid as a lump sum, per the following <br />schedule: <br /> <br />1. The Engineer shall be paid upon completion of surveying, necessary field data, and acquisiti.on data, if <br />applicable, the sum of N/A and No/l00 Dollars . <br />($ N/A l. <br /> <br />2. The Engineer shall be reimbursed the actual costs of necessary testing based on itemized billing <br />statements from the independent testing laboratory, plus a N fA oercent LI>!./JL.%) overhead <br />charge. All fees for testing shall not exceed a total of N / A and No/100 <br />Dollars ($ N/A 1. <br /> <br />3. The payment requests shall be prepared by the Engineer and be accompanied by such supporting data <br />to substantiate the amounts requested. <br /> <br />4. Any work performed by the Engineer prior to the execution of this contract is at the Engineer's sole risk <br />and expense. <br /> <br />pC.,"" B 01=' /3 <br />