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<br />City COWlCU Meeting <br />Sep~rrWcrI6. 1998 <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PARIS, PARIS, TEXAS, PROVIDING THAT THE <br />CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF PARIS, BE AMENDED BY REVISING <br />SUBPARAGRAPH (B) TO SECTION 16-24 OF SAID CODE; SETTING THE <br />RESIDENTIAL TRASH PICKUP FEE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF <br />ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE <br />DATE OF OCTOBER 1, 1998 <br /> <br />was presented. A motion was made by Councilman ClilTord, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem <br />Thomas for adoption of the ordinance. The motion carned 7 ayes, 0 nays. <br /> <br />Resolution No. 98.141, approving the fmm of the Water" Snpply Agreement with Panda Paris <br />Power, L.P. and resolving that the Mayor, Charles I-I. Neeley, be, and he is hereby authOl;zed <br />and dil'ected to execute on behalf of the City of Paris, the Water Supply Agreement, was <br />presented. <br /> <br />Taylor Cheek, Project Manager for Panda Paris Pqwel', LP, was present telling the Council <br />that Panda has the water pipe linc budgeted, and it is their' full intent to pay for and constl11ct <br />the pipe line. Mr. Check said the wastewatcr is set up to hc done under a separate agreemclll, <br />and the City of Paris has e!qll'CSScd concern regarding this matter, so they are looking at extra <br />expenditures to do an on sitc handling to rcduce the amount of wastewater discharge for thc <br />facility, in order to make as much of"it as possible a sludge and rccycle as much of the water <br />as they can. <br /> <br />City Manager Malone explained that thcy discussed the cight million gallons per day of <br />reservation of Panda for raw water, and that means the City of Paris has to reserve that <br />amount and have it available for their usc, and compcnsate the Corp of Engineers for thc <br />water storage rights along with the O&M of Pat Mayse Lakc. <br /> <br />Aftcr discussion, a Illotion was madc by Councilman ClilTord. seconded by Councilman <br />McWaters for apPl'Oval of thc rcsolution. The Illotion carTied 7 aycs, 0 nays. <br /> <br />Councilman ClitTord said hc would likc to scc Mr. Fostcr and Mr. Malone gct togcthcr and <br />present thc Council with thc pros and COllS of issuing ccrtificatcs of obligation bonds and wh:ll <br />Ilrojects would be allpropriate for CO's :111 what projccts would be appropriate for a bond <br />issuc, and fcll that the Monday night mccting in Octobcl' would be:l good time to start on this. <br /> <br />City Manager Malone said the City Engineer has infolllll'd him that thcrc necds to be a joint <br />mccting between the Planning and Zoning Commission and thc City Council with Boo)<er. <br />Willis, and Rntlilf who is doing tllC Master Plan IiII' the Cit)' of Paris for purposes of discussing <br />IJlanning and zoning issues. City Manager' Malonc said hc proposes,to have the mecting <br />October I". <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />". <br />