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Love Civic Center <br />Governing Board Minutes <br />Love Civic Center <br />June 15, 2017 <br />4:00 pm <br />Present: Curtis Fendley, Roderick Martin, JoKyle Varner, Jeff Martin, Chip McEwin, Troy Scholl, Robert High, <br />Jimmie Hopson, Casey Ressler, Helen Ressler, Josh Bray, Bobby Walters and Kenneth Webb. <br />Staff: Ken Higdon, Gina Crawford, Becky Semple, Randy Nation and Kern Wright <br />Curtis Fendley called meeting to order at 4:00 pm. <br />A motion to approve the May minutes was made by Bobby Walters, seconded by Robert High, all approved. <br />Ken Higdon stated that the rack card was being revised somewhat. <br />Ken Higdon handed out the assessment of the Civic Center. The Long Range Planning Committee will meet on <br />Monday, June 19 to start discussions. <br />Ken Higdon gave an overview of the May financials, they were accepted into the minutes. <br />Ken Higdon reported on the 2017 -2018 budget. A motion to approve was made by Helen Ressler, seconded by <br />Kenneth Webb, all approved. The budget will then be presented to the City Council. <br />Randy Nation gave a report of the repairs happening at the civic center. We are getting bids to repaint the tower <br />and put shelving in kitchen. <br />Ken Higdon stated that he and Jon McFadden have been working on updated the rental contract. This will be <br />presented to the Long Range Planning Committee. <br />Randy Nation stated that we should start returning all damage deposits instead of rolling over, everyone agreed. <br />Rand Nation stated that we will gets bids for a new garbage disposal and have it put in soon. <br />Randy Nation stated that we need to install four more security cameras to view the bike kiosk. A motion to <br />approve the cameras and a digital DVD was made by Casey Ressler, seconded by Kenneth Webb, all approved. <br />Randy Nation stated that the civic center does not have any AED equipment. Ken Higdon stated that he had <br />spoken with the City and they would go in half. The cost should be around $600. <br />A motion to approve the bylaws was made by Helen Ressler, seconded by Kenneth Webb, all approved. The <br />bylaws will then be taken to the City to approve. <br />The next meeting will be on August 10, 2017, 4:00 pm. <br />With nothing further, meeting was adjourned at 4:32 pm. <br />